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Primary Science Resources for the National Curriculum

Year 1 everyday materials.

  • Outstanding Science Year 1
  • Everyday Materials

Knowledge and Understanding

Statutory requirements, notes and guidance, ks1 - working scientifically, everyday materials year 1.

Through a range of grouping and sorting games and activities, pupils learn to distinguish between an object, its material, and the properties of its material. Their increasing scientific vocabulary is supported throughout by word banks. Pupils develop their scientific investigation skills through simple experiments into floating and absorbency, recording and interpreting their results. They apply their learning by suggesting suitable materials for familiar objects and explain their reasoning.

Objects and materials Worksheet Free!

Outstanding science year 1 | everyday materials | os1c001.

  • Description
  • National Curriculum
  • Key learning

Learning objective

I can tell the difference between an object and a material.

Children learn about the difference between objects and materials. They use a word bank to select the correct object and material for 8 pictures.

  • ks1w4 : identifying and classifying
  • 1c1 : Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made

Different materials Investigation

Outstanding science year 1 | everyday materials | os1c009.

I can identify the different materials from which an object is made.

Pupils examine 8 different classroom objects and identify the materials from which they are made, recording their findings in a frequency table. They use this data to create a pictogram using the writing frame and symbols provided. Pupils discuss why some objects are made from more than one material.

  • ks1w2 : observing closely, using simple equipment
  • ks1w6 : gathering and recording data to help in answering questions
  • 1c2 : Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock

Naming materials Worksheet

Outstanding science year 1 | everyday materials | os1c002.

I can name some everyday materials.

Children use a word bank to identify the material that 14 different objects are made from.

Identifying materials Investigation

Outstanding science year 1 | everyday materials | os1c003.

I can identify the materials that some objects are made from.

Children choose 18 objects from around the classroom. They draw a picture, name the object and identify the material. They cut and sort the objects by material.

Objects and their properties Investigation

Outstanding science year 1 | everyday materials | os1c004.

I can explain some properties of objects and materials.

Children choose 10 objects from around the classroom. They sort them according to their properties - bendy/not bendy, hard/soft, transparent/opaque.

  • 1c3 : Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of materials

Floating and sinking Investigation

Outstanding science year 1 | everyday materials | os1c005.

I can investigate whether an object floats or sinks.

Children carry out an investigation into whether 5 objects from around the classroom float or sink. They record their results on a simple table.

  • ks1w3 : performing simple tests
  • ks1w5 : using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions

Grouping materials Game

Outstanding science year 1 | everyday materials | os1c006.

I can group objects and materials by their properties.

Children work with a partner. They use 9 challenge cards to sort around 10 objects from around the classroom.

  • 1c4 : Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties

Choosing materials Worksheet

Outstanding science year 1 | everyday materials | os1c007.

I can choose a good material for a purpose.

Children use a word bank to think of the best material to use in 8 different situations. They draw a picture of each object, and identify the material and its desirable properties.

Investigating the best material Investigation

Outstanding science year 1 | everyday materials | os1c008.

I can investigate the best material for a purpose.

Children carry out an investigation to find out which is the most absorbent of 4 materials. They use a table to order their results and use them to answer the question.

Get instant access to all of our Year 1 resources.

Outstanding science - year 1 contains all of the following units:.

Unit 1A - Plants

Unit 1B - Animals, Including Humans

Unit 1C - Everyday Materials

Unit 1D - Seasonal Changes

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Everyday materials: let's build

This resources provides six lessons on everyday materials aimed at Year 1. Explore different materials and sort them into groups before writing songs based on their properties! Consider what it would be like if the tables were made of jelly or the chairs were chocolate! Then recreate the story of the three little pigs and predict what will happen to their houses.

This resource has been provided by Hamilton Trust.

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Science year 1 marvellous materials.

In this block, explore a range of materials suitable for fixing a broken umbrella and test them using pipette to simulate raindrops. Working with play figures frozen in ice, devise an investigation to release them. Explore puddles and observe how they change. Think carefully about what is happening: can you explain why a puddle changes?!

Session 1 Mending a torn umbrella: Part 1

Look at a selection of materials and consider which one is best for fixing a torn umbrella. Explain your selection and predict the outcome.

Science Objectives i) Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made. ii) Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass and metal. iii) Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials. iv) Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.

Working Scientifically

  • Ask simple questions and recognise that they can be answered in different ways.
  • Observe closely, using simple equipment.
  • Perform simple tests.
  • Identify and classify.
  • Use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.
  • Gather and record data to help answer questions.

You Will Need

Provided Resources

  • Different umbrellas and resource presentation

Additional Resources

  • A torn umbrella
  • Samples of materials including a selection of suitable fabrics (hessian, felt, paper, cotton, plastic, oil skin, carpet, etc.) and also unsuitable materials such as metal and wood
  • Cameras or recording devices
  • Unit Resources

Lesson Planning

  • Recap on how different objects are made from different materials.
  • Fix a torn umbrella, using materials they select for their useful properties.
  • Discuss their selection of materials for fixing the umbrella: what properties does this material have that makes it a good choice?
  • Discuss their designs and make predictions.
  • Explore a range of materials with a view to fixing a torn umbrella.
  • Understand some materials may be suitable whilst others are not, using the language of useful properties.
  • Discuss and explore how to test the materials in an investigation and make simple notes about those thoughts.

Investigation - problem solving Rise to the challenge of fixing a torn umbrella, using materials they select for their useful properties. Discuss selection of materials for fixing the umbrella: what properties does this material have that makes it a good choice?

Vocabulary Waterproof, absorbent, lightweight, breaks/tears, materials, properties

Session 2 Mending a torn umbrella: Part 2

Test a selection of materials using a pipette to simulate raindrops and consider why some materials let water through and others do not.

  • Investigating Umbrella Material resource
  • Samples of suitable fabrics and unsuitable materials (see last session)
  • Pipettes & jugs of water
  • Bowls or large rimmed jugs
  • Investigate the materials for their useful properties, considering questions such as: how can we know that this material will not let the rain through? How can we test it?
  • Use pipettes to simulate raindrops and experiment with the different materials.
  • Observe and record the results.
  • Make hypotheses about why certain materials do not let water through.
  • Consider the question: if you did not have an umbrella, and it was raining hard, what other everyday objects could you use to keep the rain off your head? Why would they work?
  • Understand, through exploration and investigation, that some materials are more suitable than others for mending an umbrella because of their physical properties.
  • Be able to articulate their scientific reasoning for selecting and investigating certain materials.

Investigation - observing over time, problem solving Investigate the materials for their useful properties, considering questions such as: how can we know that this material will not let the rain through? How can we test it? Use pipettes to simulate raindrops and experiment with the different materials.

Vocabulary Waterproof, absorbent, breaks/tears, materials, properties

Session 3 Ice observation

Watch a block of ice melt and record the changes. Understand what happens to the particles in ice when it melts and act this out in the playground.

Science Objectives i) Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made.

ii) Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass and metal.

iii) Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials.

iv) Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.

  • Particle Role Play
  • Large blocks of ice (water frozen in bowls)
  • Cameras/recording devices
  • Sticky notes
  • Large strips of card

Weblinks Information about Italian pianist Einaudi playing piano in the Arctic from Video of Italian pianist Einaudi performing in the Arctic from Explanation of particles in ice, water and steam from

  • Understand that water is a material and ice is water in a different state.
  • Consider the questions: how does the appearance of ice change as it melts? How long will the block of ice last? What will happen if we put salt on it?
  • Record observations and make predictions.
  • Understand what happens to particles in ice and water by role-playing the movement of particles in the PE hall/playground.
  • Observe and record the changes to a block of ice.
  • Begin to understand that what happens to particles in ice when it starts to melt and turn to water.

Investigation - exploring, problem solving, observing over time Observe a block of ice and record the changes. Devise an investigation to melt the ice quickly or slowly.

Vocabulary Water, ice, melts, frozen, observe, materials, properties

Session 4 Frozen!

Working with play figures frozen in ice, devise an investigation to release them. How can you melt the ice quickly to free the figure? Can you do it slowly so it takes a lot longer?

  • Ice Rescue! resource
  • Large blocks of ice with play figures trapped (water frozen in bowls
  • A selection of materials (bubble wrap, tin foil, paper, felt, plastic, etc.)
  • Observe a block of ice and consider how to change its state.
  • Devise an investigation to melt the ice quickly or slowly.
  • Make predictions about the outcome and test those predictions in the classroom.
  • Generate questions about ice and water and consider why it is useful for people to know how to regulate the melting of ice.
  • Consider, predict and then explore ways of speeding up or slowing down the melting of ice.

Session 5 Puddle observation: Part 1

Explore puddles outside and make your own! Observe what happens to a puddle over time and record the results.

  • Plastic sheets
  • Video devices
  • Strips of paper or ribbon for measuring the puddles
  • Large sheets of paper

Weblinks Children splashing in puddles from

  • Understand that water is a material.
  • Explore the properties of water by looking at puddles in the playground.
  • Talk and write about the best ways of observing and measuring how puddles change over time.
  • Measure and observe the changes in puddles and make predictions.
  • Make paper cut outs of the puddle over time for a class display.
  • Make predictions about the puddles and record them using chalk and paper cut outs.

Investigation - exploring, observing over time Create puddles in shallow containers or plastic sheets. Drawing chalk lines around the puddles at different times, measure and observe the changes and make predictions. Create a simple chart, or series of diagrams, to show how the puddles change.

Vocabulary Water, puddle, evaporation, bigger, smaller, materials, properties

Session 6 Puddle observation: Part 2

Continue to explore puddles and observe how they change. Think carefully about what is happening: can you explain why a puddle changes?

Extended Writing Opportunities Recount: Write an account of puddle day. Letter: Write a letter to an alien visitor to Earth explaining why puddles appear, change and disappear.

  • Resource sheet for dance
  • Continue to explore puddles and observe changes
  • Consider what makes a difference to how puddles dry up and the rate at which they do
  • Create a simple chart, or series of diagrams, to show how the puddles change
  • Use scientific vocabulary such as water, bigger, smaller, drying up, rain, changing, evaporation
  • Create dances, portraying the changes in a puddle and a block of ice over time, and perform The Puddle Dance and The Ice Dance to an audience
  • Explore puddles and observe changes and exploring own ways of recording puddle changes
  • Represent their observations and understanding through dances and role-play and through speaking to an audience about what they have learned

Investigation Create puddles in shallow containers or plastic sheets. Drawing chalk lines around the puddles at different times, measure and observe the changes and make predictions. Create a simple chart, or series of diagrams, to show how the puddles change. (Exploring, observing over time).

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Everyday Materials

Project overview.

This companion project teaches children that objects are made from materials. They identify a range of everyday materials and their sources. Children investigate the properties of materials and begin to recognise that a material’s properties defines its use.

everyday materials experiments year 1

What’s included

Everyday Materials is a comprehensive science project that boasts an array of essentials including:

Lesson activities

Enhanced Provision Activities

Knowledge Organiser

Project scope

Everyday Materials provides a structured approach to science, outlining key subjects and topics including:

  • Art and design
  • Design and technology
  • Gathering data
  • Materials and their properties

everyday materials experiments year 1

Closely linked to

This project has companion projects:

  • Childhood (history)

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  • Explore our free Knowledge Organisers
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  1. Year 1: Everyday Materials

    Year 1: Everyday Materials . This list consists of lesson plans, activities and interactive resources to support the teaching of everyday materials in Year One. It contains tips on using the resources, suggestions for further use and background subject knowledge. Possible misconceptions are highlighted so that teachers may plan lessons to ...

  2. Outstanding Science

    Everyday Materials Year 1. Through a range of grouping and sorting games and activities, pupils learn to distinguish between an object, its material, and the properties of its material. Their increasing scientific vocabulary is supported throughout by word banks. Pupils develop their scientific investigation skills through simple experiments ...

  3. Everyday materials: let's build

    This resources provides six lessons on everyday materials aimed at Year 1. Explore different materials and sort them into groups before writing songs based on their properties! Consider what it would be like if the tables were made of jelly or the chairs were chocolate! Then recreate the story of the three little pigs and predict what will happen to their houses.

  4. Unit: Everyday materials

    Year 1. Everyday materials. Lessons (9) These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025. ... I can describe simple properties of everyday materials. 1 Slide deck. 1 Worksheet. 2 Quizzes. 1 Video. 5. 5. Development of new materials (non-statutory) I can talk about different jobs linked to science. 1 Slide deck.

  5. Everyday Materials KS1

    Science: Everyday Materials Year 1 Planning Overview. 4.8 (21 reviews) Absorbent Materials PowerPoint. 4.9 (16 reviews) 5 Senses Wheel Worksheet. 4.8 (44 reviews) ... Year 2 Morning Activities PowerPoint. 4.6 (25 reviews) Y1 Grouping Materials Differentiated Worksheets. 4.9 (17 reviews) Floating and Sinking Sorting Work Sheets.

  6. Year 1 Science: Everyday Materials

    In this Year 1 Science Block explore different materials and sort them into groups before writing songs based on their properties! Consider what it would be like if the tables were made of jelly or the chairs were chocolate! ... Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal. ... Activities. Revisit ...

  7. Science Year 1 Marvellous Materials

    Science Year 1 Marvellous Materials In this block, explore a range of materials suitable for fixing a broken umbrella and test them using pipette to simulate raindrops. ... Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass and metal. ... Activities. Explore a range of materials with a view to fixing a torn umbrella.

  8. Year 1 Materials Investigation Lesson Pack

    Use this comprehensive Year 1 Materials Investigation pack to teach a stress-free lesson all about materials and their different properties, such as being pliable, absorbent, transparent or otherwise.Our handy lesson pack features an informative PowerPoint, that you can share with your children, a lesson plan, to organize the lesson faster, and a success criteria grid, to help you assess your ...

  9. Waterproof Materials Experiment

    This wonderful waterproof materials experiment for KS1 lesson pack is ideal for helping your KS1 pupils learn all about material properties. ... Year 1 Everyday Materials End of Unit Assessment Pack. Hard and Soft Materials Cut and Paste Sorting Activity. Science: Everyday Materials: Properties Year 1 Lesson Pack 3 ...

  10. Everyday Materials

    This companion project teaches children that objects are made from materials. They identify a range of everyday materials and their sources. Children investigate the properties of materials and begin to recognise that a material's properties defines its use. ... Year 1. Science. ... Lesson activities. 9 . Enhanced Provision Activities. 29 ...