Leadership in Nursing (revised)
This document discusses leadership in nursing. It defines leadership and outlines key qualities and roles of effective leaders such as vision, influence, and developing followers. It also discusses types of power, sources of power, and strategies for developing a powerful image. Finally, it examines different styles of leadership including autocratic, people-oriented, and permissive leadership. Read less
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- 1. Leadership in NursingBy: Eric F. Pazziuagan, RN, MAN
- 2. Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Harold R. McAlindon
- 3. LEADER: One who directs others.Occupies the chief position and therefore has the responsibility to love and care for his followers.
- 4. “Good leaders keep a close watch on their fellow workers’ needs”
- 5. QUALITIES OF A LEADER:WisdomVisionFaithfulnessCaringDiligenceTrustworthy
- 6. ROLES OF A LEADER:Decision- makerCommunicatorEvaluatorFacilitatorRisk takerMentorEnergizerCoachCounselor
- 7. TeacherCritical thinkerBufferAdvocateVisionaryForecasterInfluencerCreative problem solverChange agentDiplomatRole model
- 8. LEADERSHIP:Process of influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts toward goal setting and goal achievement. (Stogdill)Process of persuasion and example by which an individual (or leadership team) induces a group to take action that is in accord with the leader’s purposes or the shared purposes of all (Gardner)Social interaction in which one person influences others (Merton).Vital ingredient that transforms a crowd into a functioning, useful organization. (Talbott)
- 9. Use of personal traits to constructively and ethically influence patient, families, and staff through a process where clinical and organizational outcomes are achieved through collective efforts.A collective function in the sense that it is integrated synergized expression of a group’s efforts; it is not the sum of individual dominance and contributions, it is their interrelationship.Occurs when you persuade a person to take an action that is your mutual best interest.Process of influencing the actions of a person or a group to attain desired objects.Concept and process that is capable through interactional phenomena to influence a group towards goal achievement.Process of persuasion and by example by which an individual induces a group to take action that is in accordance with the group’s purpose.
- 10. NURSING LEADERSHIP:Process whereby a nurse influences two or more persons to achieve specific goal in the provision of nursing care for one or more clients.Formula for a successful nurse manager performance:
- 11. SKILLS: Technical, behavioural, conceptual+VARIABLES: Motivational, Abilities, Role Calrity=SUCCESSFUL NURSE MANAGER
- 12. REASONS IN THE STUDY OF NURSING LEADERSHIP:Rising intensive and specialized areas in the hospitals.Swift in population group.Increase in physical facilities and decrease in nursing personnel in the hospital.Technology and computers.Emerging social problems.
- 13. 5 ELEMENTS OF LEADERSHIPLeader: a person performing leadership functions.FormalInformalFollowers: the constituents who are duty- bound to follow leader’s orders and gives respect to latter.Group: includes the leaders and the group members.Process: the means, style, formula, policies used by both leader and his follower for the achievement of a common goal.Goal: the purpose, objectives or reason for leadership.
- 14. FORMULA FOR EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP:Knowledge of basic ingredients for leadership and management.Systematic use of self to get the right things done at the right time.Understanding of individual’s strength and weaknesses and potentials.EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT
- 15. “Leaders not only know; they also know how to get there.”
- 16. NURSING LEADERSHIP CAN BE BEST DESCRIBED USING THE WORD LEADER:L- lead, love, learnE- enthusiastic, energeticA-Assertive, achieverD- dedicated and seriousE- effective, efficientR- responsible, respectful
- 17. FUNDAMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP:A person receiving a communication understands it.This person has the resources to do what is being asked in the communication.This person believes it is consistent with the purpose and values of the organization.
- 19. MAJOR VARIABLES IN LEADERSHIP:The characteristics of a leader.The attitude, needs and other personal characteristics of followers.The characteristics of the organization, such as its purpose, its structure; the nature of the task to be performed.The social, economic and political milieu. The personal characteristics required for effective performance of a leader vary, depending on the other factor.
- 20. TYPES OF FOLLOWERS:Alienated: independent and critical yet passive in their behaviour.Sheep: dependent and uncritical; they are being told by their leaders.Yes people: dependent and uncritically reinforce the thinking and ideas of their leaders with enthusiasm, never questioning of challenging the leader’s ideas or proposals; most dangerous to a leader.Survivors: least disruptive and lowest risk- followers; “Better safe than sorry.”Effective followers: self- leaders and do not require close supervision.
- 21. 4 ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE FOLLOWERS:Self- management: thinks for oneself and works well without close supervision. “Before you can lead anyone else, you must first learn to manage yourselfCommitment: effective followers are committed to something beyond themselves.“Leadership is not about power. It is not about control.It’s about helping to live according to the vision”
- 22. Competence and focus: builds competence and focuses their efforts for maximum impact.Courage: effective followers establish themselves as independent, critical thinkers, and will fight for what they believe is right.
- 24. ELEMENTS OF LEADERSHIP:VISION: provides a direction to the influence process.A vision for effectiveness should:Appear as simple, yet vibrant, image in the mind of the leader.Describe a future state, credible and preferable to a present state.Appear desirable enough to energize followers.Succeed in speaking to followers at an emotional or spiritual level.
- 25. Where there is no vision, the people perish.Proverbs 29:18
- 26. “Leaders always have an eye on the future and that includes preparing their organization for its next leader”
- 27. INFLUENCEAbility to obtain followers; any attempt by any individual to change the behaviour of others.“When leaders have influence, people begin to follow them. When they have respect, people keep following them.”
- 28. Kinds of influence:Assertiveness: one sends direct messages to others and is able to stand up for her own rights without violating others.Ingratiation: where an individual makes another feel important or good before making any request.Rationality: convincing someone the merits of a detailed plan, which is usually supported by information, reasoning or logic.“One of a leader’s greatest sources of influence over their followers is their example”
- 29. Blocking: holistic form of influence where an individual achieves the goal of influencing another person either with the threat of or the cutting off from communication or interaction the other person intended to be influenced.Coalition: collective form of influence where a person get several persons to “back her up” when making a request.
- 30. Sanction: hinged on the promise of punishment in the case of non- cooperation and reward in case of acquiescence or cooperation; behaviour- based.Exchange: offering a favour or a personal sacrifice as an incentive for the performance of the request.Upward appeal: obtaining support from a higher up to push someone into action
- 31. LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP AS AN ACT OF INFLUENCE:LEVEL I- POSITION (RIGHTS)Territorial rights; protocol; traditional and organizational charts; the only influence a nurse can have at this level is that which comes with a title.LEVEL II- PERMISSION (RELATIONSHIP)Based on how well the people know the leader.People want to know what motivates their leader and if this means she will care for them.Often lead by intimidation.Leaders at this level lead by interrelationship or through caring concern for others.
- 32. LEVEL III- PRODUCTION (RESULTS)Purpose of coming together.People work together to achieve similar objectives and hope for the same things. LEVEL IV- PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT (REPRODUCTION)Great- leader: empowers others because a leader’s main responsibility is to develop others.LEVEL V- PERSONHOOD (RESPECT)Only a proven leader may arrive at this level and reap the rewards that are eternally satisfying.The higher the leader goes, the easier it becomes to lead and the greater the growth.It is essential that along with the leader, the other influential people in the group ascend as well.
- 33. legitimate right to give commands, to act in the interest of an organization; right to direct other’s obtained through position power.“Power has the potential to control the behaviour of others while authority has the potential to exert control through the legitimacy of a managerial positionAUTHORITY
- 34. - ability to impose the will of one person or group to bring about certain behaviours in other groups -ability to efficiently and effectively exercise authority and control through personal, organizational and social strength. - includes caring practices by nurses which are used to empower patients; nurses need power to influence patients, physicians and other health care professionals, as well as each other.POWER
- 35. UNDERSTANDING POWER -may be feared, worshipped or mistrusted -frequently misunderstood -appears to be more aligned with male than with femaleGENDER and POWER -Some women hold negative connotation of power and never learn to use power constructively -Some women, power maybe viewed as a dominance versus submission, associated with personal qualities; not accomplishment and dependent on personal or physical attributes, not skill
- 36. 1. LEGITIMATE POWER- bestowed upon a leader by a given position in the hierarchy of an organization2. REWARD POWER- derived from the manager’s ability to give rewards to her subordinates for compliance with her orders or request3. COERCIVE POWER- leader’s ability to punish subordinates for non-compliance with his directives; holds rewards or even create an untenable working conditions4. EXPERT POWER- special abilities or skills unique to the leader; ability to influence others through the possession of knowledge or skills that are useful to them.SOURCES OF POWER
- 37. 5. INFORMATION POWER- being well-informed and up-to-date; power comes from knowledge and access to information6. REFERENT POWER- based on relationships and connections; attracts others and build loyalty; based on charisma and interpersonal skills of the power holder; shown in two forms: a. it can be based on certain attractiveness or appeal of one person to another b. it may also be based on a person’s connection with another powerful individual 7. SELF-POWER- the power a person gains over his or her own life and maintains that this power that comes from maturity, ego, integration, security in relationship and confidence in one’s impulse.
- 38. REFERENT association with others LEGITIMATE positionCOERCIVE fearREWARD ability to grant favorsEXPERT knowledge and skillsCHARISMATIC personalINFORMATIONAL the need for informationSELF maturity, ego, strengthTYPES OF POWERSOURCE
- 39. 1. Taking good care of yourself2. Eat a well-balanced diet3. Rest. Relax. Exercise4. Develop relationship5. Develop hobbies and interest.6. Have fun. 7. Develop and focus your goal.8. Recognize priorities.9. Be assertive.10. Learn how to collect and review accurate information11. Be a proactive decision-maker12. Expand your personal resources by broadening your skill base and continuing education13. Show up to do networking and develop potential alliances and coalitionsSOURCES OF PERSONAL POWER
- 40. KEY FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO ONE’S POWER IMAGE SELF-IMAGE -thinking of oneself as powerful and effectiveGROOMING and DRESS -well-groomed hair; appropriate make up; clothing and appearance that are neat, clean and appropriate to the situationGOOD MANNERS - treating people with courtesy and respectBODY LANGUAGE - good posture, gestures that avoid too much drama, good eye contact and confident movementSPEECH - a firm confident voice, good grammar and diction, an appropriate vocabulary and good communication skills
- 41. -Self-image-Grooming and dress-Speech -Body language-belief in power as positive force-belief in value of nursing to society-career commitment-continuing professional educationSTRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPING A POWERFUL IMAGE
- 42. -Be honest-always be courteous-smile whenever appropriate-accepts responsibility for and learn from them your own mistakes-be a risk taker -win and lose gracefully-learn to be comfortable with conflict and ambiguity-develop the ability to take constructive criticism gracefully-always follow through on promisesAdditional Power Strategies
- 43. –corresponding obligation to the assigned task; authority granted must equal the assigned responsibility2 CATEGORIES of RESPONSIBILITY 1. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY- proficient in job; responsible for their actions; assume when one accepts a position in the organization2. ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY- collective organizational accountability and include how well the department perform their workRESPONSIBILITY
- 44. answer the results or outcomes of her actions and decisions in her work; flows upward in the organization; final act in the establishment of one’s credibility; rewards in good performance, as well as discipline in poor performanceACCOUNTABILITY
- 45. 1. PASSIVE or NON-ASSERTIVE- feels self-pity and is lacking self-worth; acts apologetically; easily dominated by others and speaks hesitantly, softly refusing to look at others when talking; allows others to choose and does not achieve desired goals BEHAVIOURS of LEADERS
- 46. 2. AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR- talks loudly on every subject, depreciates others remarks and has shown, insensitivity to the feelings of other people; disregard other people’s rights; propensity to point a finger and says “you” frequently; dictate the action of others and achieve desired goals by hurting others
- 47. 3.ASSERTIVE BEHAVIOR- midway between passive and aggressive; express opinions and beliefs without infringing on or belittling the right or belief of others; refused to be dominated and manipulated; feel good about their self and others
- 48. THAT’S WHAT WE OUGHT TO BE We are moulded uniquely by the Potter’s handsTook a life in college with hardships like countless sandsOf all those RRs, NCPs, and LFDsWe became more than we thought we can ever beIn the near future, we’d be out somewhere Applying all what we have learnedTeaching and caring for the sick and the needyJust what we’ve learned from our dear HTUTo be compassionate, loving and over understandingGuided by the God’s will we are we’re planningAnd living a good Christian leader and nurse’s lifeBoth locally and globallyThat’s what we’re all ought to be!From the Orange Group
- 51. Autocratic LeadershipDirective or bureaucratic Most extreme; uses coercion in the exercise of powerHigh concern for task accomplishment but low concern people who performs this task.No confidence or trust to subordinates.Subordinates do not feel free to discuss their job with their supervisors.Seldom gets ideas and opinions form subordinates in solving work problems.In nursing, gives orders and expects adherence to policies and procedures.
- 52. Subordinates are expected to follow without questions.Provides strong motivation and psychological regard to the leader.Most effective in crisis situation when highly specialized skills are required and options for activities are limited.Used to bring order out of chaos. Sometimes called “centric”Workers fear the leaderCommunication flows downwardEmphasis is on the difference in status (I and You)
- 54. People- orientedFocuses on human aspects and builds effective teamwork.Interaction between leader and subordinates is open, friendly, and trusting.Collaborative spirit and joint effort exists.Group participation in decision- making.Open communication prevails.Leader consults subordinates to in solving problems and work- related decisions are made by the group.“consultative” style of leadershipDemocratic, Participative, or Consultative Leadership
- 55. Performance standards exist to provide guidelines and performance appraisal.“radic” leader because he/ she radiates out to encompass the needs of othersEconomic and ego awards are used to motivate.Communication flows up and down.Criticism is constructed.Emphasis on “we” rather than “I” and “You”
- 57. Permissive, Ultraliberal or Laissez- Fare Style of Leadership“let alone” style of leadershipLeader who is appointed manager abdicates leadership responsibility and leaves workers without direction, supervision, or coordination.Workers lack central direction and control.Free- rein leader avoids responsibility by relinquishing power to subordinates.Permits followers to engage in managerial activities such as decision making, planning, structuring the organization, setting goals, and controlling the organization.Leader is ultraliberal.Effective in highly motivated professionals like those in research, where independent thinking is rewarded.
- 58. Not useful in organizations that are highly structured such as the healthcare delivery system where organization and control form the baseline of the organization.Kind of leader is permissive with little or no little or no control, motivates by support when requested by the group or individuals, puts emphasis on the group, does not criticize, disperses decision making within the group, and provides little or no direction at all.Motivation by support when requested by the group or the individual.Communication upward and downward flow among members of the group.Decision making dispersed throughout the group.Emphasis on the group.Criticisms withheld.
- 59. -Nurse leader manages “by the book” -everything must be done according to procedure or policy -highly structured; systematic control of superior -members are methodologic and disciplined; they are expected to be competent and responsible -climate of rules; clear division of labor; standardized -systems of procedures; written specification; memos and minutes -bureaucratic nurse leader and manager- more of a police officer than a leader . BUREAUCRATIC
- 60. -this style can be effective when: a. routine tasks are performed b. certain standards or procedures are to be understood c. employees are working with dangerous or delicate equipment that requires a definite set of procedures to operate d. safety or security training is conducted, and e. employees are performing tasks that require handling cash
- 61. LEADINGTo guide, to go before or show the way.Leadership in nursing is necessary to guide nursing personnel to a specific goal, that is, the provision of quality nursing care to their patient.The art of developing people.Leadership activities:Directing which is actuating efforts to accomplish goalsSupervising or overseeing work of employeesCoordinating or unifying personnel and services among others.
- 62. In LEADERSHIPSUCCESS is SUCCESSIONIf someone coming along behind me is not Able to take what I have offered and built on itThen I have FAILED in my responsibility to the NEXT GENERATION
- 64. LEADERSHIP ROLESTop ---------------------- AdministratorMiddle ------------------ Supervisors/ Clinical Coordinators/ Clinical managersFirst Line -------------- Head Nurses/ Senior NursesOperational level----- Staff Nurses/ Nursing attendants
- 65. Administrators: over-all planning and setting up of objectives, developing and scheduling programs, budget proposals, and establishment of policies.Supervising nurse: managing nursing care and services in two or more nursing units.
- 66. Head nurse/ senior nurse: management and supervision of a particular nursing unitConnecting link between the staff nurses and the higher managementOversees the technical and interpersonal skills of his staff and coordinate the services and activities through daily rounds, reports, referrals, and review of the patients’ nursing care plans.It is the manager’s duty to:Ensure that all activities in his nursing unit are going on smoothlyThe patients’ welfare is promoted and protectedEmployees adhere to established standards and proceduresProper work flow is facilitated
- 68. A leader possesses a striking personality and is energetic.A leader possesses a sense of purpose and direction. A leader knows his own personal objectives and those of the group. He is able to set goals and move towards the direction.A leader has the power of ready speech. He is able to communicate in both written and spoken language.A leader is enthusiastic about the purpose of the group and devoted to its cause.A leader has keen insight into the human nature of people. He has faith and trust in the people he leads.
- 69. A leader displays courage and persistence even in the face of opposition.A leader is decisive. He uses independent judgment and does not hesitate to consult others when needed.A leader is cheerful and even- tempered.A leader shows technical mastery that inspires others to do above average performance in their jobs.A leader is intelligent, versatile and has a keen sense of humor.A leader has moral vision, integrity, and idealism.
- 72. Skills in personal behaviourSensitivity to the feelings of othersIdentification with the needs of the groupAcceptance of people’s suggestion rather than criticizing or ridiculing themHelping others feel important and needed
- 73. Communication skillsAbility to listen attentively to the opinion of othersEstablish positive communication within the groupMake sure everyone understands what are expected of themGetting feedback from followers and recognizing that everyone may have important contributions to make.
- 74. Organization skills Willingness to assist the group in making short- and long- range plans and objectivesShare responsibilities and opportunitiesImplement plans, follow up and evaluate resultsParticipate in problem solving
- 75. Skills in self analysisAwareness of personal motivations, of own strengths and weaknesses, and willingness to improve them.Assisting the group in recognizing and utilizing Filipino values essential to caring for their patients.
- 77. The nurse leader should have:Intellectual, technical and administrative skillsIntegrity, honesty, ability to work with othersTact and emotional stabilityAbility to win the support and loyalty of fellow workers; andGood human relationships with co-workers
- 79. SITUATIONAL THEORIESLeader behaves according to a given situation which may vary from one setting to another.Considers a person’s qualities and motivations, the role expectations of the group, and the social forces at work such as the external factors that bring forth the leadership potential.Situational or “contingency” style of leadership is one in which the leader’s style matches the situation and needs.In the work situation, the manager’s leadership style and expectations, and the follower’s characteristics and expectations blend together and form a productive combination.
- 80. The natural leader who becomes a leader in spite of himself/ or herself.Does not seek the role but the group thrusts upon him/ her by the tide of events.The charismatic leader who is an authentic hero in the eyes of his/ her followers.To the, he can do no wrong; he inspires people to make sacrifices for the cause they represent. The rational leader who is consistent and persistent in what he thinks is right.The consensus leader who is perceived to be accepted by all.The leader who dominates by force or fear. Ruthless in suppressing opposition.Does not reign long (contains within the seeds of self destruction).Five kinds of leaders:
- 81. TRAIT THEORYBased on the belief that leaders are born with certain qualities that properly develop to enable them to be successful leaders.Leaders are gifted with certain qualities that are developed and which show in their ability to get along well with people and persuade them to a course of action.They have forceful personalities, possess integrity, and are efficient in work.
- 82. Categories of traits:Physical characteristics: age, built, height and weight bearingBackground information: education, social status, experienceIntelligence: knowledge, judgement, abilityPersonality: decisiveness, authoritarianism, extroversion, alertness, aggressiveness, enthusiasm, independence, self- confidence.Task- oriented characteristics: persistence, responsibility, achievement need, initiativeSocial characteristics: supervisory activity, popularity, prestige, tact, diplomacy
- 83. Leadership behaviour is generally determined by the leader’s personality and the specific situation.To be successful, the leader must diagnose the situation and select appropriate strategies from a large repertoire of skills.INTERACTIONAL THEORY
- 84. Concerned with what leaders did and act than who the leader is.The actions of the leaders and not their mental qualities or traits make them leaders.Based upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born.BEHAVIORAL THEORIES
- 85. THEORY Z (by Ouchi)Enlarges upon Theory Y and the democratic approach to leadership.Has a humanistic viewpoint and focuses on developing better ways of motivating people.Collective decision makingOpinion of all members are takenEveryday problems are discussed through problem- solving groups called quality circles.They are encouraged to identify and resolve problems faced by the organization.
- 86. Long- term employmentEmployees are employed by only one organization during the entire career.They work in various organization to understand how other departments work.It fosters commitment and loyalty to the company.Slower promotionAllows time for the evaluation of the employee’s long- time contribution to the organization.
- 87. Indirect supervisionSupervision is subtleWorkers become part of the organization’s culture and are intimately familiar with its philosophy, values and goal.The employee becomes elf- directed.Holistic concernTrust, fair treatment, strong commitment to the organization, and loyalty are all characteristics of Theory Z.The company considers the employees as a whole, taking note of their health and well- being, as well as their performance as workers.
- 88. Burn’s concept (1978) of leader- follower interaction is raised to higher levels of motivation and morality.Identified this concept as transactional leadership along with two types of leaders in management:Transactional leaders: traditional manager concerned with the day-to-day operationsTransformational leader: has a vision, is committed, and has the ability to empower others to share that visionTRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP
- 89. Transactional leaders focus on management tasks.Caretakers who use trade- offs to meet goals.Do not identify shared values, do not examine causes, and use contingency reward.Transformational leadersIdentify common values, are committed, inspire others with a long-term vision, look at efforts, and empower others.Tyrell (1994) identifies VISIONING as a mark of transformational leaders.“Nurses at all levels are expected to demonstrate visionary leadership that sets direction for nursing practice creating a picture of an ideal future.”
- 90. Based on trust, the leader and the followers become united in purpose thereby creating unity, wholeness, and environments that enhance change brought by creativity and innovation. (Wolf, et. al.)Shared environment be maintained to develop and support transactional, transformational leadership skills among its employees.“Vision is the essence of transformational leadership. It implies the ability to picture some future state, sharing with others, that they too, may share that dream.” (Marquiz and Huston, 2006)It is equally important that leaders recognize and manage their failings because it is only then that leaders can achieve greatness (Kellerman, 2004)
- 93. LEADERSHIP VS. MANAGEMENTThe manager is the person who brings things about; the one who accomplishes’ has the responsibility, and conducts.A leader is the person who influences and guides direction, opinion, and course of action.
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Nursing Leadership & Management
Published by Beverly Harmon Modified over 6 years ago
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Leadership style in nursing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Leadership style in nursing
Nursing management related howshould ifollow the leadership style – powerpoint ppt presentation.
- P.Meena,M.Sc(N)
- Leadership may be defined as the process of influencing the activities of a group or individual toward the achievement of goal in a given situation.
- A leader tries to influence the followers or group of people so that the purpose and objective of organization can be fulfilled .
- He or she is permissive with little or no control.
- Motivate by support when requested by the group or individual .
- Little or no direction is provided .
- Communication is between members of group and upward and downward
- Serving as a link between the group and top management .
- Counselling and guidance to the member of group.
- Ensuring timeliness in performance or time management is an other function of leadership.
- Gaining maximum contribution from group members towards goal fulfillment through the participation, decision making provision of adequate resources and effective communication .
- It is a leaders style of providing direction implementing plans and motivating people
- It is defined as different combinations of task and relationship behaviour used to influence other to accomplish goals .
- In this style leader takes all decisions and assigns all responsibilities to himself . He is self assured and dominating .
- The subordinates are made aware of what to do , but not why .
- The leader set his / her goal and expects them to accept along with his / her method of achieving them. This method is used in emergency when the leader has to take immediate action .
- In this leader is characterised by following behaviour
- -gt Strong control is maintained over the group.
- -gt Communication flows downward .
- -gt Decision making does not involve others .
- This type of leadership believes in working with cooperation with workers.
- It is people centered approach and allows greater individual participation in decision making.
- Leader exhibits following behaviours
- -gtLess control is maintained.
- -gtcommunication flow up to down.
- -gtDecision making involves other.
- -gtEmphasis in we rather than I and we
- It is compromised between autocratic and democratic style.In this style,the manager presents her/his analysis of problem and proposals for action to employees inviting their criticism and comments.
- It is a successful style of leadership because it is based on positive assumption about human being.
- It encourages cooperative spirit and development of subordinate for better performance of their work.
- Participative in decision making will lead to better leader sub-ordinate relationship and also satisfection.
- This style is also reffrred as freedom style.This type of leader denies responsibility and abdicate authority to the group that is the leader have all decision making and responsibilities to the grow.
- Everything is lift on workers about the determination of objectives,achievement of activities and for running the administration voluntary.
- DirectingDirecting the people with control over him in a structurally way.
- Coachingdirecting and supporting the people in achieving the goals.
- SupportingIn this type the leader should praise, listen,facilitate the follower.
- DelegatingIt means giving some of the authority to high competent people for day to day decisions.In other words,turn over responsibility.
- 1) Attending management seminars.
- 2) By working with an understanding or assistant to an effective leader and learning his behaviour.
- 3) By attending several training programme.
- 4) Direct counselling by psychologist.
- 1) Skills of personal behaviour.
- 2) Skills of communication.
- 3) Skills of organise.
- 4) Skills of self awareness.
- Sensitive to feeling of group.
- Identifies self with the need of the group.
- Does not criticize other suggestions.
- Help others feel important and needed.
- Does not argue.
- Listen attentively.
- Makes sure every one understands what is needed and reason why.
- Recognise that everyones contribution is important.
- The effective leader helps the group to
- -gtDevelop long and short time objectives.
- -gtBreakup big problems into small one and then solve.
- -gtShare responsibilities and opportunities.
- -gtBe attentive and do detail.
- Is aware of group members,their qualities limitation.
- Help the group to be aware of their attitude and values.
- Trait Theories individual characteristics separate effective leaders from everyone else.
- Leadership style theories it forms the most significant basis for effective leadership.
- Trait-situation match theoriesWhen the leaders characteristics match the situational needthe leader is more effective.
- Leadership style-situation match theories When the leaders leadership style matches the situational needs,the leader is more effective.
- Theories about leadership were based on the belief that a person was born with leadership characteristics.
- The belief that leadership qualities were passed on in the genes became the basis for royal succession.
- There were no.of traits for a leader have been suggested including greater intelligence than the group,initiative creativity ,emotional maturity,energy, drive, good health, self confidence, communication skills,perception helpfulness, trustworthiness loyality
- Early theories in this maintained that traits are inherited but later theories suggested that traits could be obtained through learning and experience.
- Researcher arrived at different conclusion , but identified some common leadership traits
- -gt Leaders need to be more intelligent than the group they lead.
- -gt Leaders must possess initiative the ability to perceive and start courses of action not considered by others.
- -gtHaving originality the ability to think of new solutions to problems and ideas of new ways to be productive is helpful.
- -gt Emotional imaturity with intigration-a sense of purpose and direction dependability and objectivity is another important trait.
- -gt Communication skills are important the leader needs to understand others, speak and write clearly.
- -gt Leaders participate in social activities they can socialize with all kinds of people and adopt to various groups.
- Leadership behaviour influence group climate and outcomes.
- Patterns or styles they used were labeled , authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire.
- Descrimination between authoritarian and democratic leadership was based on four factors
- 1) Sharing of decision making (democratic).
- 2) Concern for followers (democratic).
- 3)Maintenance of social distance (authoritarian).
- 4) Use punishment or coercion (authoritarian).
- Studies focus on two bipolar factors that affect leadership style.These factors were originally given the label initiating structure(task oriented) and consideration (relationship oriented).
- Nurse administrator are classified into five basic categories (Black and Moulton)
- 1) I am the staff members friends who will do anything so that they will like me.(Showing minimum concern for hospital services and maximum concern for the staff).
- 2) I consult with staff member to work on mutual goals and mutual problems solving and they understand their roles and responsibilities(Showin g both high concern for delivery of services and high concern for staff).
- 3) I am a middle of the roader nurse and avoid controversies or taking sides , the hospitals rules and regulations provide guidelines for my supervision (showing moderate concern for both the delivery of services and the staff comitted only to rules and regulations)
- 4) I have little concern for staff service the hospitals provides me with a job which is all I ask (showing that concern for both services and staff are at a low level).
- I expect staff members to do what I think they ought to do (Showing high concern for hospital services coupled with little or no concern for staff).
- Reddin (1970) describes four basic styles of leaders based on the degree of emphasis on orientation toward tasks or orientation toward relationship
- Separated Representing low relationship orientation low task orientation.
- 2)Dedicated Representing high task orientation and low relationship orientation.
- 3) Related Representing high relationship orientation low task orientation.
- 4) Integrated Representing high relationship orientation and high task orientation
- This theory argues that a few people born with the necessary characteristics to be great leader,leaders are well rounded and simultaneously display both instrumental and supportive leadership behaviour.
- Instrumental activities include planning , organizing and controlling the activities of subordinates to accomplish the organizations goals. Supportive leadership is socially oriented and allows for participation and consultation from subordinates for decision that affect them
- People who use both instrumental and supportive leadership behaviour are considered great man and supposedly are effective leaders in any situation.
- Many finds this theory unattractive because of its premise that leaders are born and not made, which suggests that leadership cannot be available.
- People may be leader because they are charismatic but relatively little is known about this intangible characteristic.
- The charismatic leader inspires others by obtaining emotional commitement from followers
- and by arousing strong feelings from followers and by arousing strong feeling of loyality .
- Under charismatic leadership , one may overcome obstacles not thought possible . However , because charisma is so elusive , some may sense it while others do not
- Situational theories become popular during the 1950s these theories suggest that the traits required of a leader differ according to varying situation.
- Among the variables that determine the effectiveness of leadership style are factors such as the personality of the leader , the performance requirement of both the leader and followers , the attitudes , degree of interpersonal contact possible , time pressures , physical environment , organizational structure etc.
- Situational leadership theory encourages managers to combine leader task behaviour ,
- follower maturity levels into 4 options of leadership style (TEASLEY 1987)
- 1) High task-low relationship.
- 2) High task-high relationship.
- 3) Low task-high relationship.
- 4)Low task-low relationship.
- 1) High task-low relationshipLeadership style may be used when the followers have low maturity level.
- 2) High task-high relationshipLeadership style may be used when the staff now more familiar with the system is revealing problems with the system .
- 3) Low task- low relation Leadership style are used when a follower has a high job maturity level that is proficient , interested and motivated.
- In this situation the leader may delegate certain activities and be available as a consultant.
- 4) Low task-high relationshipStyle would be necessary in situation that create frustation and call for participation and communication.
- 1) Charismatic leadership
- 2) Authoritarian leadership
- 3) Democratic leadership
- 4) Situational leadership
- 5) Transactional leadership
- 6) Laissez faire
- This is characterised by an emotional relationship between the leader and group members in which leader inspires other by obtaining an emotional commitement from followers and by arousing strong feeling of loyality.
- In this leader makes all the decision for the group.
- The leader determines all the policies , giving orders and directions to the group members.
- The leader acts as a facilitator and guiding the people towards achieving the group goals.
- This is based on following principles
- -gt Every group member should participate in the decision making.
- -gt Each individual is responsible for himself/herself and for the welfare of group.
- -gt There should be concern and consideration for each group member as a unique individual.
- In this level of direction and support varying according to the level of maturity of the group.
- The leader assumes one of four styles
- 2) Coaching
- 3) Supporting
- 4) delegating
- This represents the traditional manager focused on the day-to-day achieving organizational goals.
- The transactional leader understand and meet the need of the group
- Group members may act independently of each other and suffer from a lack of co-operation.
- This is described as inactive , passive and offering few commands , questions.
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Leadership and management in nursing ppt powerpoint presentation ideas example
The following is a completely editable Medical Powerpoint Template Slide that discusses the topic Leadership And Management In Nursing. It is designed for medical professionals to discuss Leadership And Management In Nursing and can be completely customized to suit their needs. Add more items to this list and include this in your deck to impress your audience.
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Presenting this set of slides with name Leadership And Management In Nursing Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Example. The topics discussed in these slides are Leadership And Management In Nursing. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.
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- Leadership And Management In Nursing
Content of this Powerpoint Presentation
The image displays a PowerPoint slide titled "Leadership and Management in Nursing." The slide features a series of honeycomb-shaped icons that represent various aspects of nursing and healthcare. Each hexagon contains a symbol: DNA, a stethoscope, a microscope, a heart, a first aid kit, a pharmacy symbol, test tubes, a hospital sign, and a clipboard with a checklist. Below the honeycomb diagram are placeholders for text labeled "Your Text Here," suggesting that detailed descriptions related to leadership and management in nursing should accompany each icon.
The design is likely intended to represent the different facets of leadership in nursing, including clinical skills, patient care, medical knowledge, and administrative duties. The slide emphasizes that it is fully customizable, allowing the presenter to adapt the information to the specific context of the presentation.
Effective nursing leadership is multifaceted, combining clinical expertise with managerial skills to improve patient outcomes and healthcare delivery.
Industries and uses for this slide might include:
1. Healthcare Administration:
Use: Training for nurse leaders.
Presenter: Chief Nursing Officer
Audience: Nurse Managers, Administrative Staff
2. Medical Education:
Use: Teaching management skills.
Presenter: Nursing Educator
Audience: Nursing Students, Faculty
3. Hospital Management:
Use: Enhancing hospital operations.
Presenter: Healthcare Administrator
Audience: Hospital Staff, Department Heads
4. Public Health:
Use: Addressing community health strategies.
Presenter: Public Health Official
Audience: Community Nurses, Policy Makers
5. Pharmaceuticals:
Use: Managing nursing roles in pharma.
Presenter: Clinical Research Manager
Audience: Clinical Nurses, Pharma Representatives
6. Health Insurance:
Use: Developing care coordination programs.
Presenter: Insurance Plan Manager
Audience: Case Managers, Nurse Navigators
7. Healthcare Consulting:
Use: Advising on nursing management best practices.
Presenter: Healthcare Consultant
Audience: Healthcare Executives, Management Teams
Leadership and management in nursing ppt powerpoint presentation ideas example with all 2 slides:
Use our Leadership And Management In Nursing Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Example to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.
Ratings and Reviews
May 9, 2018 · 2. Objective 2 At The end of the presentation the student will be able: Define the terms of theory, management, and leadership. Understand the differentiate between leadership and management. Discuss the classification of theories and style of leadership and management. Discuss the various principles of management. Describe the leadership and management for nursing future. Discuss the ...
Sep 1, 2019 · 25. REFERENCES Aderibigbe AM [2016] leadership ; A compendium and expository studies. Cummings GG et al (2010) The contribution of hospital nursing leadership styles Farouk UA,[2018] Leadership in Nursing, prospects and challenges Havig AK et al (2011) The effects of leadership and ward factors on job satisfaction in nursing homes. Hayward D et al (2016) A qualitative study of experienced ...
Dec 16, 2010 · This document discusses leadership in nursing. It defines leadership and outlines key qualities and roles of effective leaders such as vision, influence, and developing followers. It also discusses types of power, sources of power, and strategies for developing a powerful image. Finally, it examines different styles of leadership including ...
Theories and Styles of Leadership Objectives: After 2 Hours of lecture and discussion, students are expected to: Differentiate leadership from management Distinguish roles of leaders and managers Describe at least four leadership theories or styles that are applicable to nursing Apply leadership theories in case situations
Aug 5, 2016 · Title: Leadership style in nursing 1. LEADERSHIP STYLe ; P.Meena,M.Sc(N) 2 LEADERSHIP. Leadership may be defined as the process of influencing the activities of a group or individual toward the achievement of goal in a given situation. A leader tries to influence the followers or group of people so that the purpose and objective
PowerPoint presentation slides: Presenting this set of slides with name Leadership And Management In Nursing Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Example. The topics discussed in these slides are Leadership And Management In Nursing. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download.