1. (PDF) Telework: Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda

    telework systematic literature review and future research agenda

  2. (PDF) Fintechs and Institutions: A Systematic Literature Review and

    telework systematic literature review and future research agenda

  3. Sustainability

    telework systematic literature review and future research agenda

  4. (PDF) Telecommuting's past and future: a literature review and research

    telework systematic literature review and future research agenda

  5. Telework: systematic literature review and future research agenda: Heliyon

    telework systematic literature review and future research agenda

  6. (PDF) From total quality management to Quality 4.0: A systematic

    telework systematic literature review and future research agenda


  1. Systematic Literature Review Paper presentation

  2. Achieving Digital Transformation That Actually Works with Thoughtworks

  3. Systematic Literature Review & Meta Data Analysis Part 2 Malayalam

  4. Systematic Literature Review & Meta Data Analysis Part 1 Kannada

  5. Riset Kualitatif dengan Systematic Literature Review (SLR)

  6. Digital Nomads: A Systematic literature review and future research agenda