Mar 4, 2024 · The goal is to learn a generative model that captures the underlying distribution of the data and can produce novel graph samples. Generative models such as graph autoencoders, graph generative adversarial networks (GANs), and variational graph autoencoders (VGAEs) are used for graph generation. Applications of Graph Representation in ML ... in graphical models, including the factorial and nested structures that occur in experimental designs. A simple example of a plate is shown in Figure 1, which can be viewed as a graphical model representation of the de Finetti exchangeability theorem. Directed graphical models are familiar as represen-tations of hierarchical Bayesian models. An ... ... \atomic" representation of the joint, P(X1;:::;XN), needs O(2N) parameters, whereas a graphical model may need exponentially fewer, depending on which conditional assumptions we make. This can help both inference and learning, as we explain below. There are two main kinds of graphical models: undirected and directed. Undirected graphical models ... ... Graphical models provide a general methodology for approaching these problems, and indeed many of the models developed by researchers in these applied fields are instances of the general graphical model formalism. We review some of the basic ideas underlying graphical models, including the algorithmic ideas that allow graphical models to ... specific class of graph structures used and the precise meaning of ‘factor’ depend on the type of graphical model under consideration. Typically, factorization according to a graph encodes a specific class of conditional independence properties. There are two fundamental reasons that make graphical models interesting: 1. ... Why Graphical Models? Structure simplifies both . representation. and . computation. Representation Complex global phenomena arise by simpler-to-specify local interactions Computation Inference / estimation depends only on subgraphs (e.g.dynamic programming, belief propagation, Gibbs sampling) ... • A Bayesian network (a.k.a. Bayes net, directed graphical model, or Belief network) is a directed acyclic graph that encodes the independence properties of a joint density. • It has a node for each random variable, and it has an edge X→ Y if the factor for Y conditions on X(i.e., there is a factor of the form pY |···X···). ... ">
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Graph Representation Learning

In this article we are going to learn about Graph representation in Machine Learning (ML) . Graph is basically a data structure which provide a mathematical model of representing information by the collection of nodes and edges connecting them. It is used in machine learning to solve the problem of real world with an ease and implement the algorithm accordingly. Hence, graph representation is an essential part of study of Machine learning . In this article, we are going to discuss graph theory, graph representation learning and more.

Table of Content

  • What is a graph?
  • Homogenous vs Heterogeneous Graph

What is Graph Representation Learning?

  • Machine Learning with Graphs

Applications of Graph Representation in ML

What is a graph.

A graph is collection of some nodes and edges. A graph is represented as G (V, E) . Here V represents vertices and E represents edges. This a data structure which represents association and relation among entities. A Graph contains:

  • Node: A collection of nodes, also called vertices, represented by V. These nodes to represents object or entities.
  • Edges: Edges joining these vertices, represented by E. An edge between two node represents the relation, between those connected nodes.
  • Weight: Weight are an attribute assigned to the edges to the weighted graph.
  • Path: Path is the edges covered while moving from one particular node to another node. There can be more than one path from one node to another.
  • Circuit: Circuit is path in which first and last node are same.

Types of Graphs

In graph theory, the graphs can be classified as:

  • Directed Graph: Directed Graphs are those graphs in which connecting edges of nodes directs to a particular direction.
  • Undirected Graph: An undirected graph is a type of graph in which edges do not have a direction associated with them. In other words, the relationships between vertices (nodes) are symmetric.
  • Weighted Graph: Those graphs in which each edge associate with a weight is called a weighted graph .

Multi-relational Graphs

Multi-relational graphs extend traditional graphs by allowing different types of edges to represent different relationships between nodes. Each edge is associated with a specific edge type or relation \tau , denoted as (u, \tau, v) \in E, where u and v are nodes connected by the edge of type \tau . The graph can be represented by an adjacency tensor A of shape |V|\times|R|\times|V| , where ∣ R ∣ is the number of distinct edge types or relations.

Heterogenous Graph

  • Heterogeneous graphs are a subset of multi-relational graphs where nodes and edges can have different types or categories.
  • Nodes in a heterogeneous graph may represent different types of entities (e.g., users, products, events), and edges may represent different types of relationships or interactions between these entities.
  • For example, in a social network, nodes could represent users, pages, and events, while edges could represent friendships, likes, and attendances.
  • Heterogeneous graphs provide a flexible framework for modeling complex relationships and interactions in various domains.

Multiplex Graphs

  • Multiplex graphs are another subset of multi-relational graphs where different layers or "layers" of edges exist, each representing a distinct relationship between nodes.
  • Unlike heterogeneous graphs, multiplex graphs typically have homogeneous nodes (i.e., all nodes belong to the same type), but different layers of edges capture different types of interactions between these nodes.
  • For example, in a transportation network, one layer of edges could represent road connections, while another layer could represent railway connections.
  • Multiplex graphs are useful for modeling systems with multiple interaction modalities or networks with diverse edge types.

Graph representation learning is indeed a field of machine learning and artificial intelligence that is concerned with developing algorithms capable of learning meaningful representations of graph-structured data. In traditional machine learning tasks, such as image classification or natural language processing, data is often represented in structured formats like matrices or tensors. However, many real-world datasets exhibit complex relational structures that cannot be easily captured using traditional representations.

Graphs provide a flexible and expressive way to model relationships between entities in various domains, such as social networks, biological networks, recommendation systems, knowledge graphs, and more. In these graphs, entities are represented as nodes, and relationships between entities are represented as edges. Analyzing and extracting insights from such graph-structured data poses unique challenges due to its irregular and heterogeneous nature.

Graph representation learning aims to learn low-dimensional vector representations (embeddings) of nodes, edges, or entire graphs. Techniques like node embeddings (e.g., node2vec, DeepWalk), graph embeddings (e.g., GraphSAGE, Graph Convolutional Networks), and graph neural networks (GNNs) are commonly used for this purpose. These embeddings capture structural and relational information from the graph, enabling downstream tasks such as node classification, link prediction, and graph classification.

Machine Learning with Graph

Graph in machine learning provides a mathematical foundation for an accurate analysis, understanding the problem and learning real world problems. They bring simplicity to the complex system and makes such task easy to handle. Those System which uses networking, such as biological networks, social media network, transportational network and other kind of networks related system are significant to use the graphs in Machine Learning. Those system where networking and connection of various nodes is a requirement graph are used.

Let's discuss some key concepts in machine learning with Graphs:

Supervised Graph Machine learning tasks

Supervised Graph Machine learning tasks includes leveraging labeled data by which a machine learning model can be trained. This data contains nodes and edges and node or edge labels. We have described such task associated with Graph machine learning. Here is a list of those task which can be performed using Supervised Graph Machine Learning. Following are the examples of supervised Graph Machine learning tasks:

Node Classification

Classification of Nodes is a process of prediction of labels of the nodes of a graph according to their relationships and association with their neighbor nodes. If the graph is partially labeled than this classification aids to label the unlabeled part of graph.

Graph Classification

This a process of classification of graph in different parts according to its properties, attributes and nodes. This process is used in graph make a graph simple. It aids in community detection and anomaly detection. Its application is in biological networks, social networking system and various other system which includes networking.

Graph Regression

Graph regression tasks involve predicting continuous-valued target variables associated with nodes or graphs. Instead of discrete class labels, the goal is to predict real-valued quantities such as node properties, graph properties, or graph-level attributes. Example applications include predicting node properties like protein folding energies in biological networks, estimating graph properties like centrality measures in social networks, and forecasting financial indicators in economic networks.

Link Prediction

Link prediction is process of finding the possibility of link between two nodes of a graph. So, this process predicts the possibility of link between various nodes of a graph. There are many methods of link prediction. Heuristic approach is one of the feasible methods for link prediction. In this method it has to be found the similarity between two nodes according to their heuristics such as common neighbor. Link prediction is key problem of network-structured data.

Unsupervised graph machine learning tasks

In unsupervised a machine learning algorithm have to find the hidden patterns on its own without any label. In context of graph unlabeled data is analyzed through the graphs. Following are the examples of unsupervised machine learning task:

Graph Clustering

Graph clustering, also known as community detection, involves partitioning the nodes of a graph into clusters or communities based on their connectivity patterns. The objective is to identify densely connected subgraphs within the larger graph. Clustering algorithms such as spectral clustering, modularity optimization, and hierarchical clustering are commonly used for this task.

Anomaly detection

Anomaly detection is task of machine learning in which it is identified whether a pattern deviates from its regular characteristics. This process identifies the unusual characteristic of a patten within a graph. It is applicable in various domain such as fraud detection, social networking and spam detection.

Graph Generation

Graph generation aims to generate new graph instances that exhibit similar properties to a given set of training graphs. The goal is to learn a generative model that captures the underlying distribution of the data and can produce novel graph samples. Generative models such as graph autoencoders, graph generative adversarial networks (GANs), and variational graph autoencoders (VGAEs) are used for graph generation.

Following are the various applications of Graph representation in Machine Learning:

  • Graphs are widely used in various ML based application such as social networking platforms.
  • Domains such as network analysis, fraud detection, bioinformatics and map construction have significant requirement of graph theory.
  • food websites, product delivery system and other map related websites and many other applications.
  • By implementing Minimum distance algorithms, we can easily get the minimum distance among two cities as we use it in google maps.
  • Graphs are also used in many scientific research related tasks and inventions. Where some entities are related with each other.
  • GNN, Graphical Neural Network is also a concept where graphs are used and on crucial part of Machine Learning.

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  1. Graphical model - Wikipedia

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  2. Lecture 4: Graphical Models - Cambridge Machine Learning Group

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    The definitive mathematical exposition of the theory of graphical models. S. Russell and P. Norvig. "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach". Prentice Hall. 1995. Popular undergraduate textbook that includes a readable chapter on directed graphical models. J. Whittaker. "Graphical Models in Applied Multivariate Statistics", Wiley. 1990.

  4. Graph Representation Learning - GeeksforGeeks

    Mar 4, 2024 · The goal is to learn a generative model that captures the underlying distribution of the data and can produce novel graph samples. Generative models such as graph autoencoders, graph generative adversarial networks (GANs), and variational graph autoencoders (VGAEs) are used for graph generation. Applications of Graph Representation in ML

  5. Statistical Science Graphical Models - Harvard University

    in graphical models, including the factorial and nested structures that occur in experimental designs. A simple example of a plate is shown in Figure 1, which can be viewed as a graphical model representation of the de Finetti exchangeability theorem. Directed graphical models are familiar as represen-tations of hierarchical Bayesian models. An ...

  6. An introduction to graphical models - University of British ...

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    specific class of graph structures used and the precise meaning of ‘factor’ depend on the type of graphical model under consideration. Typically, factorization according to a graph encodes a specific class of conditional independence properties. There are two fundamental reasons that make graphical models interesting: 1.

  9. CSC535: Probabilistic Graphical Models - University of Arizona

    Why Graphical Models? Structure simplifies both . representation. and . computation. Representation Complex global phenomena arise by simpler-to-specify local interactions Computation Inference / estimation depends only on subgraphs (e.g.dynamic programming, belief propagation, Gibbs sampling)

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    • A Bayesian network (a.k.a. Bayes net, directed graphical model, or Belief network) is a directed acyclic graph that encodes the independence properties of a joint density. • It has a node for each random variable, and it has an edge X→ Y if the factor for Y conditions on X(i.e., there is a factor of the form pY |···X···).