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Defense of the Thesis
Disputation / Defense Image Credit: Marion Kuka
If the dissertation is recommended for acceptance, the doctoral candidate will be requested to make an appointment with the doctoral committee members. The doctoral candidate organises the defense in consultation with the chairperson of the doctoral committee.
Information on the different formats of the disputation (pure presence, hybrid, pure video format) and the requirements to be fulfilled in each case can be obtained from the doctoral office. Disputations generally take place in public, but the doctoral candidate also has the option to exclude the public so that only the doctoral candidate and the doctoral committee may attend the disputation.
Please first clarify possible appointments with the two reviewers because the two reviewers must participate at the disputation in any case. Individual members of the doctoral committee can be exchanged if no date can be found with the appointed members. Please note that the date should also be coordinated with the alternate members, as the disputation will only be valid if the doctoral committee (consisting of four university lecturers and one postdoctoral academic employee) is complete. The alternate members should also keep the date free, so that they can stand in at short notice if one of the main members should spontaneously drop out. It is advisable for each doctoral candidate to contact each member of the doctoral committee in order to enquire whether they would be interested in a copy or an PDF of the thesis.
As soon as the date, time and format of the disputation are fixed, please send an e-mail to the doctoral office to book a suitable room.
The doctoral office sends out the official invitation for defense to the doctoral candidate and to all doctoral committee members approx. 14 days before the date of the disputation and also announces the disputation on the FU's website (so far as the disputation takes place open to the public). The doctoral candidate confirms the date bindingly to all doctoral committee members in advance.
The doctoral committee meets 15 minutes before the defense to jointly evaluate the dissertation and sets the written grade. The defense begins with a lecture of approx. 30 minutes, in which the doctoral candidate presents and discusses the results of his/her thesis in the context of the field as a whole. The doctoral candidate then defends the dissertation by responding to the doctoral committee members' criticism and questions. The discussion must take at least 30 minutes but no longer than 60 minutes. The use of additionally prepared slides during the defense (following the presentation) is not permitted. Only slides that have already been used in the presentation may be used. The recording of the disputation is expressly prohibited.
When determining the grade to be awarded, the outcome of the discussion is in principal more important than priority against the presentation. But the dissertation is also taken primarily in principal into account for determining the overall grade.
You can find an overview of current defenses here .
Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be found here.
Read on for the next topic ' Publication of the Thesis '.
- disputation
Sep 23, 2020 · In order to finish a PhD and obtain the title of doctor, the candidate must present their thesis and do a defense, that is, roughly speaking, to discuss the thesis and answer questions from the jury. In English, we call it thesis defense, and in French it is called soutenance. I would like to know how to say that in German.
Aug 5, 2015 · I am a PhD student in Germany (physics) and I will have my PhD defense in some months. I am not German. My thesis is mainly based on two Physical Review Letters and a paper not yet published (submitted to Physical Review B). The reviews (Gutachten) on my thesis are positive: I've got 1.3 and 1.7 (1 is very good, 4 is sufficient).
Defense of doctoral thesis with Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo Di Fabio in 2008. Research assistant at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo Di Fabio, Institute for Public Law - Constitutional Law Division - of Bonn University in 2003-2005, focus on German an European constitutional law.
Translation of "thesis defense" into German . Disputation is the translation of "thesis defense" into German. Sample translated sentence: PhD thesis defense [Am.] [noun] [educ.] ↔ Verteidigung {f} der Dissertation [Rigorosum]
Thesis Defense translation in English - German Reverso dictionary, see also 'doctoral thesis, these, thespian, thinness', examples, definition, conjugation
The defense begins with a lecture of approx. 30 minutes, in which the doctoral candidate presents and discusses the results of his/her thesis in the context of the field as a whole. The doctoral candidate then defends the dissertation by responding to the doctoral committee members' criticism and questions.
thesis defense Defensio {f} [österr.] [einer Dissertation]acad. Disputation {f} [Verteidigung der Doktorarbeit]acad. master's thesis defense [Am.] Verteidigung {f} der Magisterarbeit [Magisterprüfung]educ. PhD thesis defense [Am.] Verteidigung {f} der Dissertation [Rigorosum]educ. defense of the doctor's thesis
The thesis has to be written in German or English. A German and an English summary of the most important results have to precede the actual text, (§ 7(3) of the doctoral regulations). Do not use the official seal of the Heidelberg University anywhere in your thesis or on the cover. Duplex print is accepted. Do not include your CV in your thesis.
doctoral thesis defense--best wishes: Last post 04 Nov 10, 20:50: How would a native speaker of German put it? Hau morgen rein, und auch viel Spass dabei. Ke… 15 Replies: thesis - die Thesis: Last post 01 Jul 11, 21:33: Thesis, die 1.betonter Taktteil im altgriechischen Versfuß; Gegensatz Arsis (1a) abwärtsg: 1 Replies: defense: Last post ...
Thesis Submission and Defense Here you can find all relevant information regarding the submission of your doctoral thesis and your disputation (thesis defense). Make sure to check out the "Countdown" checklist as it helps you with planning all required steps and formalities for this final stage of your PhD. Handouts and forms: