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Science Investigatory Project
This study is a preliminary evaluation of the feasibility of extracting ethanol from corn (Zea maize) stalks mostly left by the farmers in the field after harvest through mechanical extraction, filtration, fermentation and distillation.
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This research details the development of a new one-step process for producing high-value products such as zein and xanthophylls from corn to enhance the economic viability of the dry-grind ethanol industry. This process was designed for incorporation in a dry-grind ethanol plant, and thus in-house ethanol was the processing solvent for the entire processing chain, from the initial extraction of the whole ground corn to the final purification steps. Dry-ground whole corn was extracted with 70% (v/v) ethanol and filtered. The extract was processed by preparative-scale size exclusion chromatography with aqueous ethanol as the mobile phase and an ethanol-stable resin as the stationary phase. The largest component (zein) was totally excluded in the void volume of the column while the impurities and the xanthophylls interacted with or passed through the pores of the resin and separated according to their mobilities. Starting with 17 g of corn or 50 mL corn extract, one can obtain about 320 mg of zein with 90+% yield and purity in this method. Thus, a typical dry-grind ethanol plant processing 50 million gallons of ethanol per year, can produce about 13 million kg of zein and 7.5 tonnes of xanthophylls and this implies an additional revenue of $95million (conservative valuation: zein ∼$4.4 kg −1 and xanthophylls ∼$5 g −1 ) without bringing in any additional raw materials. This is about 1.5-2 times the present revenues of such an operation.
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Ethanol can be produced various agricultural feed stocks. This serves two purposes. One is ethanol synthesis in cost effective and environment friendly manner. Second is minimization of biodegradable waste. One such raw material for ethanol synthesis is maize. Bio ethanol can be produced from maize by two methods namely wet milling and dry milling. Grain is steeped and separated into starch, germ and fiber components in wet milling. In a dry milling process, grain is first grand into flour, and processed without separation of starch. Lower capital and easy operation makes dry mill process better alternative. In the current work, various investigations for ethanol production from raw feed stocks are summarized. Experimental synthesis of ethanol from maize is done on laboratory scale and the ethanol product is analyzed by gas chromatography. Key words:Fees stock, dry milling, wet milling, cost, and yield.
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This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are
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Ethanol fermentations were conducted using both whole corn, and corn with 100% of the germ, and a portion (∼74%) of the fiber removed. Ethanol production increased 11% in the germ and fiber-removed corn vs the whole corn. The protein content of distiller's dried grains and solubles increased from 30 to 36%, and phosphate levels were 60% lower in corn with germ and fiber removed vs whole corn. Removal of germ and fiber prior to fermentation allows higher starch loading and results in increased ethanol production. The integration of germ and fiber removal in the dry-grind ethanol industry could increase capacity and add valuable coproducts, resulting in increased productivity and profits.
Despite being considered renewable, corn (Zea mays) ethanol still generates much debate over the use of fossil fuels in its production and is considered less sustainable than sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) ethanol. In Brazil, corn ethanol is starting to be produced in the Center-West and is expected to increase with the RenovaBio, a promising policy for biofuels adoption. In this context, energy cane (Saccharum spp.) is a biomass crop with high yields that can provide bagasse to supply the energy demand of the corn ethanol industry and provide juice with about 10% sugar content. However, the effects of introducing its juice in the production process are unknown. For these reasons, the objective of this study was to assess the effects of adding energy cane juice in corn ethanol production. Energy cane juice brings several advantages: (i) It provides sugars that can reduce by almost 50% the amount of corn and enzymes used, (ii) reduces the amount of water needed for ethanol production, an...
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How To Make An Investigatory Project Investigatory Project Sample Format:
Abstract After finishing the research and experimentation, you arword, one-page abstract. An abstract includes the a) purpe required to write a (maximum) 250-ose of the experiment, b) procedures used, c) data and d) conclusions. It also includes any poabstract should focus on work done since the last fair. ssible research applications. The
Research Paper A research paper should be prepared and available alongnecessary forms or relevant written materials. A research p with a project data book, and any aper helps organize data as well as thoughts. A good paper includes the following sections:
Title page – title of the project must be brief, simple and catchy Statement of problems/objectives with clarity. Two types of objectives may stated: – the nature & scope of the problem should be presented
General Objective – this is related to the problem as given in the early part of the section Specific Objective – this states the purpose of each experiment conducted. Methodology experiments – provides enough details so that a competent worker can repeat the
Materials / Equipment – the exact technical specifications, quantities and source of method of preparation for all materials used should be given. Spemust be described and the description accompanied by a picture cifically, built equipment used in the study
Treatment / General Procedure – the manner & sequence by which each experiment or set of observations were done & how measurements were obtainedAvoid using the “recipe style” when stating the step-by-step procedure. Use the narrative form in should be described in detail. the past tense. Results and Discussion experiment or observations. – this may be divided into sub-sections describing each set of Findings maybe summarized in tables, – the data maybe presented in full pictures & graphs. The statistical test used to determine the & discussed descriptively in the test or these possible significance of the finding should be described presentation of the data more meaningful. Tables, pictures & graphs should make
Analysis of Data – the interpretation of the findings are discussed & the significant features shown in the tables, figures or graphs are pointed out. Conclusions The evidence based on the results should be summarized for – the general truth implied or illustrated by the reeach statement should be clearly stated.
Recommendations – consists of suggestions on future actions such as a new direction of research or further experiments to be performed, practiceorder to attain certain goals or objectives. s that might be adapted or discard in
Bibliography – a list of the references used in guiding the research work and writing and paper. Visual Display You want to attract and inform. Make it easy for interstudy and the results you have obtained. Make the most of yoested spectators and judges to assess yourur space using clear and concise display. Source: Department of Science and Technology
Title Page Cover Page Table of Contents i Acknowledgement ii Abstract iii CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTIONBackground of the Study 11 ObjectivesNull Hypothesis 22 Significance of the StudyDefinition of Terms 23 Scope and Delimitations 4 CHAPTER II – REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 5 CHAPTER III – METHODOLOGYMaterials and Equipment 1111 Treatments and VariablesGeneral Procedure 1111 Data GatheredData Processing 1314
EXTRACTION OF ETHANOL FROM CORN (Zea maize) STALKS ---------------------------------------------------Keywords: Corn stalks, ethanol, mechanical extracti---------------------------------------------------on, filtration, fermentation and----- ---------------------------------------------------distillation.-------------------------------------------------------- This study is a preliminary evaluation of the feasibility of extracting ethanol from corn (Zea maize) stalks mostly left by the farmers in the field after harvest through mechanical extraction, filtration, fermentation and distillation.
Sugar level determination, a critical factor in ethanol production was done using a refractometer. Two weekly sampling trials were made to determine the level of ethanol yield using 10 gms and 20 gms yeast treatment during fermentation.
Ethanol yield per 100 ml juice extract 1 week after extraction (WAE) were: 12% in 10 gms and 15% in 20 gms yeast treated samples. Correspondingly, 14% in 10 gms and 22% in 20 gms per 100 ml juice extract yeast-treated samples were recovered 2 WAE. While the control recorded only 2% and 2% ethanol yield 1 and 2 WAE, respectively or with an average yield of only 2%.
Ethanol production increases through yeast application and as the storage period lengthens.
III students) to use her room (DOST 2) for the distillation process.
Background of the Study As the Philippines increases its population and strives to develop its resources its demand for fuel and energy also remarkably intensifies thus spending its dollar reserve in importing fossil fuel worth millions of dollars just to ease the energy crisis it is facing today. Consequential to this unbalanced trade is the dramatic increase of prices of its basic commodities, considered a big burden to most of its people who can hardly meet both ends in their daily survival.
The country’s high dependence on imported fuel is limiting its financial resources that could be otherwise spent on viable developmental projects to improve the health and lifestyle of the Filipinos.
Ethanol is largely used as a motor fuel and fuel additive. It is also considered an important industrial ingredient and has widespread use as a base chemical for other organic compounds and ethanol is used in medical wipes and in most common antibacterial hand sanitizer gels. Ethanol can also be used as an antidote for poisoning by other, more toxic alcohols, in particular methanol and ethylene glycol. It is found in paints, tinctures, markers, and personal care products such as perfumes, deodorants and also used as alcoholic beverages and solvent in cooking, such as in vodka sauce (Myers, 2007).
extra income to this added burden. It is therefore a necessity to remedy to the existing present crisis where consumers are now crabby due to the great effects on various items. As a way out, this study aims to conduct a test on the feasibility of ethanol in corn stalks where ethanol is extremely significant nowadays. The largest single use of ethanol is as a motor fuel and fuel additive, with this study this gives everyone an overview that after harvesting corn, instead of throwing the stalks which can only add to the bulk of waste in the environment, these waste can be converted into something very vital to everyone which is the ethanol. This study will yield information regarding the use of harvested corn stalks. Consequently, the result of this study would be very useful because this can be considered as an initial phase to scale up the production of ethanol from corn stalks, and this study can also be an avenue in solving the present problem on energy.
Definition of Terms:
Bagasse = corn stalks refuse after crushing. Corn = plants that yield grain or maize. Corn stalks = the stem or body of corn plant. Distillation = is the process in which a liquid or vapor mixture of two or more substances is separated into its component fractions of desired purity by the application or removal of heat.
Extracted Corn Stalks Juice = is the juice collected from corn stalks after extraction.
Fermentation = is the process of deriving energy from the oxidation of organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, and using an endogenous electron acceptor, which is usually an organic compound, as opposed to respiration where electrons are donated to an exogenous electron acceptor, such as oxygen, via an electron transport chain.
Refractometer = an instrument used to measure the level of sugar.
Micro mill or Juice Extractor = an instrument used to crush the corn stalks to extract the juice.
Yeast = a fungus that causes alcoholic fermentation
Scope and Delimitations:
This study was conducted at the Department of Agriculture, Regional Integrated Agricultural Research Center, Brgy. Anquiana, San Jorge, Samar and in the DOST 2 Chemistry laboratory at Samar National School from July-August 2010.
Juice extraction from freshly harvested corn stalks was done in the field using micro mill juice extractor and the determination of the presence of sugar level was made using a refractometer. After fermentation and distillation the researcher computed only the ethanol yield 1 and 2 weeks after extraction and did not further attempt
Ethanol is a renewable energy source because the energy is generated by using a resource, sunlight, which is naturally replenished. Creation of ethanol starts with photosynthesis causing a feedstock, such as sugar cane or corn, to grow. These feedstocks are processed into ethanol. About 5% of the ethanol produced in the world in 2003 was actually a petroleum product. It is made by the catalytic hydration of ethylene with sulfuric acid as the catalyst. It can also be obtained via ethylene or acetylene, from calcium carbide, coal, oil gas, and other sources. Two million tons of petroleum-derived ethanol is produced annually. The principal suppliers are plants in the United States, Europe, and South Africa. Petroleum derived ethanol (synthetic ethanol) is chemically identical to bio-ethanol and can be differentiated only by radiocarbon dating.
Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is similar to grain sorghum with a sugar-rich stalk, almost similar to sugarcane. Besides having wide adaptability, rapid growth and high sugar accumulation and biomass production potential, sweet sorghum, is tolerant to drought, water logging, soil salinity and acidity toxicity. It has great potential for jaggery, syrup and alcohol (most importantly Gasohol, which is ethanol blended with petrol) production. The sugar content in the juice extracted from sweet sorghum varies from 16-23% Brix.
In recent years, there is an increased interest in the utilization of sweet sorghum
for ethanol production in India as its growing period of about four months, and water requirement of 8,000 cubic meters (cu m) over two crops are one-fourth that of sugarcane, which has a growing period of 12 to 16 months and a water requirement of 36,000 cu m per crop. In addition, sweet sorghum is better suited for mechanized crop production and seed propagation.
According to a pilot study conducted by VSI, sweet sorghum is the best alternative raw material, which can supplement the use of sugarcane in ethanol production. At 5,600 liters per hectare per year (over two crops, at 70 tons per hectare of millable stalk per crop at 40 liters per ton), the ethanol production from sweet sorghum compares well with the 6,500 liters per ha per crop for sugarcane (at 85- tons per hectare of millable cane per crop at 75 liters per ton).
According to estimates made by National Research Center for Sorghum (NRCS), Hyderabad-India, the per liter cost of production of ethanol from sweet sorghum is Rs 13* (at Rs 500 per ton of stalk), when compared to Rs 12* (at Rs 1,600 per ton of stalk) from sugarcane molasses. However, the increased cost of production of ethanol from sweet sorghum is more than compensated by grain yield of 1 ton per hectare (which can be used as food or feed) and the superior quality of ethanol. The really significant advantage is that the production of ethanol from sweet sorghum is environment friendly since it uses the non-molasses route. (practicalaction).
Sugar cane must be crushed to extract the juice. The crushing process must
can be expected to process around 50 kg of cane per hour. A 5HP diesel set could increase this to around 300 kg per hour. Important points to remember during crushing are, namely: 1) Cane must be crushed within 24 hours of being cut. After this time the sugar begins to ‘invert’ into different sugars that will not set solid, and; 2) Crushing efficiency is the most important factor in good sugar yields. Every possible amount of juice needs to be squeezed from the cane.
Juice Treatment
Juice should be filtered through a cloth before boiling in order to remove any solids such as dirt or particles of cane.
Large-scale sugar processors add lime to the juice in order to coagulate impurities which then settle out. This is rarely done at the artisanal level. The juice is then neutralized with sulphur dioxide. Small-scale producers add a variety of clarificants to the juice including wood ash. All of these have the effect of settling out impurities. Many producers also add ‘Hydros’ (sodium hydrogen sulphate) at the final stages of boiling. This releases sulphur dioxide into the juice and lightens the color of the final product. However, high sulphur content often remains in the final product.
Juice Boiling
This is done in large pans over open fires or simple furnaces. The essential
requirement is for clean pans and tools. Sediment settles to the bottom of the pan during boiling and is dredged out. Scum rises to the top and is skimmed off.
The end point of the boiling process is judged from experience; from the sight and sound of the boiling juice. Small samples can be removed to see if they set solid when cooled. For those with access to simple sugar measuring devices, this usually corresponds to a Brix (sugar content) of 90-95%.
After removal from the heat, the pans of juice are usually stirred rapidly to incorporate air and promote an even crystallisation. The cooling juice is then poured into pots or moulds to set.
Cleanliness is vital to the whole process. Once the juice has been heated, impurities will speed the ‘inversion’ of sugar and lead to reduced yields. All boiling pans and tools need to be thoroughly cleaned between uses.
The tools required are very simple Filtration before boiling is done through a fine woven cloth. Scum is removed from the boiling juice by a simple perforated scoop on a long handle. Sediment is removed by scraping a stretched cloth along the bottom of the pan. Once the pan has been removed from the heat, a simple rake is used to stir the thickened juice. (practicalaction, photo from ecofriend)
Cork Test tubeAlcohol lamp Denatured alcoholIron stand, ring and clamp
Materials/Equipment Corn stalks Micro mill or juice extractorRefractometer Yeast1000-ml and 250-ml beakers Distilling flasks Treatments and Variables
T0 = 0-gm yeast; corn stalk juice only T1 = 10-gm yeast treated corn stalk juiceT2 = 20-gm yeast treated corn stalk juice
General Procedure
Gathering and Preparation of Materials. Freshly harvested corn stalks were obtained from Brgy. Tagbayaon, Jiabong, Samar. The corn stalks were immediately cleaned by removing the dried and fresh leaf sheaths. After which the stalks were cut into pieces by about eight inches (8”) long to facilitate easy extraction, and then the samples were weighed.
Extraction. The extraction was done in the Department of Agriculture, Regional Integrated Agricultural Research Center in Brgy. Anquiana San Jorge, Samar. The micro mill or juice extractor was cleaned by wiping using a cheese cloth and the strainer were washed using clean water. After cleaning the micro mill were set up ready for extraction. Four (4) stalks at a time of about eight (8) inches long were feed in into the micro mill to extract the juice and the stalks were feed in into the extractor four times to fully extract the juice or until no more juice coming out from the extractor.
Filtration. The extracted juice was initially strained by passing through a screen strainer to remove solid particles from corn stalks. After passing through the strainer it was further processed and filtered using filter paper to remove the fine particles embedded in the juice.
Measuring the Filtered Juice and Sugar Level Determination. The volume of the filtered juice was measured using a 250-ml graduated cylinder and its sugar level was assessed using a refractometer. For the sugar level determination two (2) drops of corn stalk juice were placed in the lid of refractometer making sure that no bubbles will appear and it was repeated three times and the mean for the three trials were computed to assure accurate results.
Fermentation. The corn stalk juice extract were then prepared for fermentation. The three treatments previously defined were applied: T0 = no yeast added; T1 = ten (10) grams yeast; and T2 = twenty (20) grams yeast. The three treatments were stored
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The short answer is that the research paper is a report summarizing the answers to the research questions you generated in your background research plan. It's a review of the relevant publications (books, magazines, websites) discussing the topic you want to investigate.
A research p with a project data book, and any aper helps organize data as well as thoughts. A good paper includes the following sections: Title page – title of the project must be brief, simple and catchy Statement of problems/objectives with clarity. Two types of objectives may stated: – the nature & scope of the problem should be presented
the research topic Evaluates risks of the project of the student Ensures safety and health of the student Reviews student/s Research Plan Should always be available for student consultation Reminds (ONLY) students of the things s/he need to prepare and perform Edits (e.g. Grammar and language) research paper, abstract, and