1. How to Use Transistor as a Switch : Its Operating Modes & Its Working

    transistor as a switch experiment pdf

  2. The Transistor As A Switch

    transistor as a switch experiment pdf

  3. Lab Sheet Transistor as a Switch

    transistor as a switch experiment pdf

  4. Transistor As A Switch

    transistor as a switch experiment pdf

  5. Transistor as a Switch pdf

    transistor as a switch experiment pdf

  6. Arduino refuse to switch PNP Transistor

    transistor as a switch experiment pdf


  1. Experiment no.5 Transistor as a Switch

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    To observe the action of a Transistor as an electronic switch and measure the voltage across the transistor when it is ON and when it is OFF. APPARATUS: NPN transistor, Resistance, Regulated power supply, Bread board and connecting wires. THEORY Based on the voltage applied at the base terminal of a transistor switching operation is performed.

  3. Experiment 6 Transistors as amplifiers and switches

    most of the transistors in even modern analog ICs are stillBJTs. With a basic understanding . of the BJT. in hand, we design simple amplifiers using this device. We spend a bit of time studying how to properly . bias. the transistor and how to calculate a transistor amplifier’s gain and input and output impedances.


    TRANSISTOR AS SWITCH OBJECTIVE The purpose of the experiment is to design and analyze the operation of transistor as switch. Also, to design a suitable driver circuit for a given load using transistor. PRELAB 1. Design and create a SPICE model of a transistor operating as switch. . 2.

  5. CIRCUITS LABORATORY EXPERIMENT 6 - Washington University in ...

    Two of the most important applications for the transistor are (1) as an amplifier in analog electronic systems, and (2) as a switch in digital systems. In this experiment we will examine some of the characteristics of transistors in these modes of operation. For this purpose we will investigate one of the common transistors, the bipolar junction

  6. Electronics - Experiment 7 - Transistor As A Switch | PDF ...

    This document provides instructions for an electronics lab experiment on using a transistor as a switch to control a DC motor. The objectives are to learn how a bipolar transistor operates as a switch, design the circuit using simulation software, record experimental results, and write a brief report. Students will use a transistor, power supply, motor, breadboard and multimeter to build a ...

  7. Experiment No.4 Transistor Characteristics and Switch

    Experiment No.4 Transistor Characteristics and switch Objective : To display and study the V-I characteristics of a transistor on the oscilloscope, and examine its operation as a switch. Apparatus used: 1. ST2712 board. 2. BC109 transistor. 3. Oscilloscope. 4. Function generator (on board). 5. DC ammeter. 6. LED. 7.Potentiometer 5K(1/4w). 8.


    the inductor, as the transistor turns off. This is accomplished in Fig ure 3 with diode D 1. When the transistor is turned on, the inductance of the relay coil slows the rise in current. Being reverse-biased, the diode does not conduct. When the transistor turns off, the inductor voltage reverses

  9. Experiment No. (33) Using the Transistor as a Switch (light ...

    Experiment No. Objectives: Apparatus: Using the Transistor as a Switch (light-controlled switch using LDR) LED + 3V 10KΩ LDR 220Ω Transistor-(33) (light controll(1. e student will set up a switching circuit using the transistor and LDR. Procedure and Conclusions: 1. Use EB3 Board to set up a circuit by inserting the transistor at (F) in a way

  10. Transistor Switching Circuits - UC Santa Barbara

    In the off-state the transistor is effectively an open-circuit, and in the on-state it can be modeled by a small resistance, Ron, so we can replace the transistor by the simple switch circuit shown in Figure 4-3b. From this point it is a standard linear circuit problem that we can solve using Laplace techniques.