Unit 1 Past Papers
- CAPE Spanish 2021 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2020 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2020 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2019 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2019 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2018 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2018 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2017 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2017 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2016 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2016 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2016 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2015 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2015 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2015 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2014 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2014 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2014 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2013 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2013 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2013 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2013 U1 P1 (Moderator's Script).pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2012 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2012 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2012 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2012 U1 P1 (Moderator's Script).pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2011 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2011 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2011 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2011 U1 P1 (Moderator's Script).pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2010 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2010 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2010 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2010 U1 P1 (Moderator's Script).pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2009 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2009 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2009 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2008 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2008 U1 P2 TT.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2008 U1 P2 ROR.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2008 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2008 U1 P1 (Moderator's Script).pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2006 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2006 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2006 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2005 U1 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2005 U1 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2005 U1 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2020 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2020 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2019 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2019 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2018 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2018 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2017 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2017 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2016 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2016 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2016 U2 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2015 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2015 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2015 U2 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2014 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2014 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2014 U2 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2013 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2013 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2013 U2 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2013 U2 P1 (Moderator's Script).pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2012 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2012 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2012 U2 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2012 U2 P1 (Moderator's Script).pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2011 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2011 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2011 U2 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2011 U2 P1 (Moderator's Script).pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2010 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2010 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2010 U2 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2010 U2 P1 (Moderator's Script).pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2009 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2009 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2009 U2 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2008 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2008 U2 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2008 U2 P1 (Moderator's Script).pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2006 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2006 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2006 U2 P1.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2005 U2 P3.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2005 U2 P2.pdf
- CAPE Spanish 2005 U2 P1.pdf
CAPE SPANISH argumentative essay writing
Created on October 22, 2020
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Essay writing
Writing an impactful essay is like creating a work of art
The goal of the argumentative essay
Tutorial Links
Supporting claims
Structuring your essay
Writing with POWER
Thesis statement
A well written Paper 2 Spanish essay:*is well organized*is well argued & structured*incudes relevant facts, ideas and opinions*uses a wide range of structures and vocabulary*uses idioms appropriately*is genenerally grammatically correct with an occasional minor error
Opening expressions
Es un hecho bien sabido que - It's a well known fact that Hoy en día todo el mundo está de acuerdo que - These days everyone agrees that En los últimos años se ha visto un aumento en - In recent years there has been an increase ines un tema complicado/preocupante - it's a complicated/worrying topic
Developing an argument
En primer lugar consideremos los argumentos a favor/ en contra de - First of all let's consider the arguments for/against Existe una gran divergencia de opiniones sobre - There is a wide range of opinions about Se suele afirmar que - It's often said that A veces se olvida que - Sometimes it's forgotten that Mucha gente piensa que - Many people think that Hay quienes dicen que - There are those who say that
Otros constatan que - Others would reply thatPrimero tenemos que preguntarnos - First we have to ask ourselves A primera vista - At first sight Según una encuesta - According to a survey
Developing the argument
Pasemos a examinar - Now let's look at Consideremos ahora - Now let's consider Pasemos a considerar otro aspecto del tema - Let's go on to consider the other side of the argument Consideremos la otra cara de la moneda - Let's consider the other side of the coin Otro dato a tener en cuenta es - Another factor to take into account is
the other side of the argument
linking words
Ante todo - First and foremost Primero - Firstly En segundo lugar - Secondly Finalmente - finally Por un lado/mano - On one hand Por otro lado/mano - On the other hand Por añadidura - In addition Además de lo dicho - In addition to what has already been said A fin de cuentas - After all
Me parece increíble que (+s) - It seems incredible to me that Es insoportable que (+s) - It's unbearable that Es una verguenza que (+s) - It's shameful that Es una lástima que (+s) - It's a shame that No me extraña que (+s) -It doesn't surprise me that puede ser que (+s) - It's possible that Es imprescindible que (+s) - It's essential that No sería mejor que? (+s) - wouldn't it be better if?
subjunctive phrases
En suma - in short De todo lo que antecede se deduce que - from what has been said, it can be seen that existe un grave problema - there is a serious problem si se sopesan los pros y los contras - If one weighs up the pros and the cons pase lo que pase - whatever happens me resulta - I find itAl fin y al cabo es una diversión inocua - at the end of the day, it's harmless entertainment
Remember your essay writing checklist
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CAPE Spanish
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Example of a very good answer This candidate put forward a strong and coherent argument to support the statement in the question. The use of connectors and the sequencing of points added to the flow and unity of the essay. The candidate, despite some notable errors in structure, correctly used a wide range of more sophisticated grammatical ...
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Unit 1 Past Papers. CAPE Spanish 2021 U1 P3.pdf; CAPE Spanish 2020 U1 P3.pdf; CAPE Spanish 2020 U1 P2.pdf; CAPE Spanish 2019 U1 P3.pdf; CAPE Spanish 2019 U1 P2.pdf
Oct 22, 2020 · A well written Paper 2 Spanish essay:*is well organized*is well argued & structured*incudes relevant facts, ideas and opinions*uses a wide range of structures and vocabulary*uses idioms appropriately*is genenerally grammatically correct with an occasional minor error
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