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Chapter 1: Introduction to Scientific Research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Chapter 1: Introduction to Scientific Research
Scientific methods. induction-specific to general reasoning process ... of the scientific method. allows us ... characteristics of the scientific approach ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.
- Why learn about the scientific research process
- 1. To learn the research process
- 2. To become a critical consumer of information
- 3. Develop critical and analytic thinking
- 4. Critically read a research article
- 5. Admission into graduate programs
- Similar to superstitions
- May be promoted by mere exposure
- Problems with knowledge acquired by tenacity
- May be inaccurate
- Does not provide mechanism for correcting inaccurate knowledge
- Used in science when a researcher persists in the belief of a good idea
- Intuitionknowing without reasoning
- Used in forming some hypotheses (hunches)
- Problemno mechanism for separating accurate from inaccurate knowledge
- Authorityfacts stated from a respected source
- Can be used in the design phase of a study
- Problemauthority can be wrong
- Rationalismknowledge from reasoning
- Used to derive hypotheses
- Empiricismknowledge from experience
- Observation used to collect data in science
- Problem with this method of acquiring knowledge
- Perception of the cause of our experience can be biased
- Just another way of acquiring knowledge
- Assumed to be better than other methods
- Because it is void of bias
- Testing procedures open to public inspection
- Not just one universal method of science
- Methods of science has changed over the centuries
- Induction-specific to general reasoning process
- Used from late 17th to middle of 19th century
- Still used today when generalize from specific experiments to general hypotheses or theory
- Deduction-general to specific reasoning process
- Involved in forming hypotheses from theory
- Hypothesis testing-testing a predicted relationship from theory or experience
- Prominent from mid 19th century to about 1960 but still used extensively today
- Associated with logical positivists
- Philosophical position started by scholars at University of Vienna
- Believed that statements meaningful only when verifiable by observation
- Is an inductive position-observation confirming a general hypothesis
- Critic-Popper and his falisfiction position
- Allows us to make objective observations
- Allows us to establish the superiority of one belief over another
- Controleliminating the influence of extraneous variables
- Operationalismrepresenting constructs by a specific set of operations
- Operationalism focuses on features used to represent a construct
- Is essential for communication
- Are many different ways of representing constructs
- Replication
- reproduction of results
- By intergroup observations
- By intersubject observations
- By intrasubject observations
- Reasons for failure to replicate
- Effect doesnt exist
- Replication study is not an exact replication
- Descriptiondescribing the variables
- Explanationidentifying causes
- Prediction--forecasting
- Definitionmanipulation of conditions that determine a phenomenon
- Different meanings of the word control
- Eliminating the influence of extraneous variables
- Uniformity in nature or determinism
- Axioms underlying assumption of determinism
- Reality in nature
- Rationalitylogical reason for events
- Discoverability
- Summarize and integrate existing data
- Guide research
- Objectivity
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This teaching paper is an introdcution to the field of research methodology as it enables beginners (students) to understand basic things about research, research techniques , research design and research procedure. The general aim behind this teaching paper is to facilitate the task of students to tackle this complicated field with confidence and ease.It covers a lot of courses and it can be taught to different levels of students: BA, MA and even PHd students.
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The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
The authors felt during their several years of teaching experience that students fail to understand the books written on Research Methodology because generally they are written in technical language. Since this course is not taught before the Master’s degree, the students are not familiar with its vocabulary, methodology and course contents. The authors have made an attempt to write it in very non- technical language. It has been attempted that students who try to understand the research methodology through self-learning may also find it easy. The chapters are written with that approach. Even those students who intend to attain high level of knowledge of the research methodology in social sciences will find this book very helpful in understanding the basic concepts before they read any book on research methodology. This book is useful those students who offer the Research Methodology at Post Graduation and M.Phil. Level. This book is also very useful for Ph.D. Course Work examinations.
Research is an important activity of any nation and societies for generating the information to its developments. Robust collection of qualitative information helps in the development of the any nations. Research & Development is an important tool for acquiring new knowledge in any field of human survival. Various type of problems and questions need to use research methodology depend on the rationale of researchers. How to use the research for finding answers of any research questions/problems.
https://www.ijrrjournal.com/IJRR_Vol.6_Issue.3_March2019/Abstract_IJRR0011.html, 2019
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research methods/techniques but also the methodology. Researchers not only need to know how to develop certain indices or tests, how to calculate the mean, the mode, the median or the standard deviation or chi-square, how to apply particular research techniques, but they also need to know which of these methods or techniques, are relevant and which are not, and what would they mean and indicate and why. Researchers also need to understand the assumptions underlying various techniques and they need to know the criteria by which they can decide that certain techniques and procedures will be applicable to certain problems and others will not. All this means that it is necessary for the researcher to design his methodology for his problem as the same may differ from problem to problem.
Scholarly Communication and the Publish or Perish Pressures of Academia A volume in the Advances in Knowledge Acquisition, Transfer, and Management (AKATM) Book Series, 2017
The most important of research methodology in research study it is necessary for a researcher to design a methodology for the problem chosen and systematically solves the problem. Formulation of the research problem is to decide on a broad subject area on which has thorough knowledge and second important responsibility in research is to compare findings, it is literature review plays an extremely important role. The literature review is part of the research process and makes a valuable contribution to almost every operational step. A good research design provides information concerning with the selection of the sample population treatments and controls to be imposed and research work cannot be undertaken without sampling. Collecting the data and create data structure as organizing the data, analyzing the data help of different statistical method, summarizing the analysis, and using these results for making judgments, decisions and predictions. Keywords: Research Problem, Economical Plan, Developing Ideas, Research Strategy, Sampling Design, Theoretical Procedures, Experimental Studies, Numerical Schemes, Statistical Techniques.
The research methodology defines what the activity of research is, how to proceed, how to measure progress, and what constitutes success. It provides us an advancement of wealth of human knowledge, tools of the trade to carry out research, tools to look at things in life objectively; develops a critical and scientific attitude, disciplined thinking to observe objectively (scientific deduction and inductive thinking); skills of research particularly in the 'age of information'. Also it defines the way in which the data are collected in a research project. In this paper it presents two components of the research methodology from a real project; the theorical design and framework respectively.
A AN NT TE E RESEARCH METHODS C Co on nt ta ac ct t H Ho ou ur rs s Lectures Seminar/Practical Totals C Cr re ed di it ts s Credits Exam Hours C Co ou ur rs se e D De es sc cr ri ip pt ti io on n Rationale:
This book is the outcome of more than four decades of experience of the author in teaching and research field. Research is a creative process and the topic of research methodology is complex and varied. The basic premise for writing this book is that research methods can be taught and learnt. The emphasis is on developing a research outlook and a frame of mind for carrying out research. The book presents current methodological techniques used in interdisciplinary research along with illustrated and worked out examples. This book is well equipped with fundamentals of research and research designs. All efforts have been made to present Research, its meaning, intention and usefulness. Focussed in designing of research programme, selection of variables, collection of data and their analysis to interpret the data are discussed extensively. Statistical tools are complemented with examples, making the complicated subject like statistics simplest usable form. The importance of software, like MS Excel, SPSS, for statistical analyses is included. Written in a simple language, it covers all aspects of management of data with details of statistical tools required for analysis in a research work. Complete with a glossary of key terms and guides to further reading, this book is an essential text for anyone coming to research for the first time and is widely relevant across the disciplines of sciences. This book is designed to introduce Masters, and doctoral students to the process of conducting scientific research in the life sciences, social sciences, education, public health, and related scientific disciplines. It conforms to the core syllabus of many universities and institutes. The target audience for this book includes those are going to start research as graduate students, junior researchers, and professors teaching courses on research methods. The book entitled “A guide to Research Methodology for Beginners” is succinct and compact by design focusing only on essential concepts rather than burden students with a voluminous text on top of their assigned readings. The book is structured into the following nine chapters. Chapter-1: What is Scientific Research? Chapter-2: Literature Review Chapter-3: How to develop a Research Questions & Hypotheses Chapter-4: Research Methods and the Research Design Chapter-5: Concept of Variables, Levels and Scales of Measurements for Data collection Chapter-6: Data Analysis, Management and Presentation Chapter-7: Tips for Writing Research Report Chapter-8: Glossary Related to Research Methodology Chapter-9: References It is a comprehensive and compact source for basic concepts in research and can serve as a stand-alone text or as a supplement to research readings in any doctoral seminar or research methods class. The target audience for this book includes those are going to start research as graduate students, junior researchers, and professors teaching courses on research methods.
Hue University Journal of Science: Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020
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Introduction to Research Methodology
Jan 05, 2020
620 likes | 2.73k Views
Introduction to Research Methodology. András István KUN associate professor, University of Debrecen. The s cientific method. In its broadest sense science is any systematic knowledge that is capable of resulting in a correct prediction or reliable outcome.
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- academic research
- cientific method
- deductive arguments
- research object systematically
- academic research seeks truth
Presentation Transcript
Introduction to Research Methodology András István KUN associate professor, University of Debrecen
The scientific method • In its broadest sense science is any systematic knowledge that is capable of resulting in a correct prediction or reliable outcome. • A scientific method seeks to explain the events of nature in a reproducible way, and to use these findings to make useful predictions. • Scientific thinking is one of the ways to find answers (besides practical thinking, professional thinking, religious thinking, ideological thinking…).
Possible definitions of research • A way of thinking: a habit of questioning what you do a systematic examination to find answers • search for knowledge via systematic investigation • investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws
Why doing research? • A quest for knowledge and understanding • An interesting and useful experience • A course for qualification • A career • A style of life • A way to improve quality of life • An ego boost
Science can be fun • Keynes vs. Hayek RAP BATLLE: • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0nERTFo-Sk • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTQnarzmTOc • 'A Virus Walks Into a Bar...‚: • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7DkeQ0roAM • Or the BIG BANG Theory…
Different fields of research • The everyday research • Professional research: • Economic • Management • Development, R&D (applied research) • Academic research („blue sky” research)
Everybody is a researcher • Looking for job • Looking for housing • Searching a real bargain • …
Typical research questions in marketing • How much is the reservation price of the costumers? • Which features of the product is not needed and which features should be improved? • How much should I spend on advertising? • …
Development • Apply scientific, engineering or technological knowledge in a systematic manner to improve performance • Exploits knowledge created elsewhere • Has a final product, service or process • Usually strict time constraints • Budget constraints • Targeting profit increase
Research & Development • Term used in the industrial/business sector • Research is a process creating new knowledge • Development is a process that applies knowledge
Academic research vs. R&D • Academic research seeks truth vs. R&D seeks utility • Industry can’t afford luxury of research vs. Academics don’t want to be bothered with financial problems • Scientific vs. effective methodology
The scientific research • The aim of scientific research is to establish facts. • The classical model of scientific inquiry that forms of approximate and exact reasoning in a threefold scheme (Aristotle) : • Abductive reasoning • Deductive reasoning • Induction (inductive reasoning)
Abductive reasoning • It is a process of choosing the hypothesis, which would best explain the available evidence. • Usually a natural and instinctive process. • Its role in the scientific research: it offers appropriate hypotheses built on observations and/or previous studies. • Abduction is not necessarily correct, but enhancing or exploring different hypotheses will allow a systematic approach to scientific research. • Occam’s Razor: the rule of thumb known as ‘Occam’s Razor’, where the simplest explanation is likely to be the correct one.
Deductive reasoning • …is reasoning which constructs or evaluates deductive arguments. Deductive arguments are attempts to show that a conclusion necessarily follows from a set of premises. • An example of a deductive argument: • All men are mortal • Socrates is a man • Therefore, Socrates is mortal
Induction (inductive reasoning) • ‘the real science is inductive’ – positivist paradigm • reasoning from a specific case or cases and deriving a general rule. It draws inferences from observations in order to make generalizations. • Stages: • Observation: collect facts, without bias. • Analysis: classify the facts, identifying patterns o of regularity. • Inference: From the patterns, infer generalizations about the relations between the facts. • Confirmation: Testing the inference through further observation.
Definition of scientific research • A research process is scientific, if it is • undertaken within the framework of a set of philosophies (according to the specific field of science), • using procedures, methods and techniques that have been tested for their validity and reliability, • designed to be unbiased and objective. • It is empirical.
Some notions form the definition • Set of philosophies: paradigm • Reliability: the quality of measurement • Validity: ‘Do we measure the right thing?’ • Unbiased: a built in error in sampling or in the method of analyzing • Objective: independent from the personal characteristics and attitudes of the researcher
Some specifications of the social sciences • Hardness of controlling variables: the role of experiences is very limited. • Subjectivity is harder to be eliminated.
Characteristics of research • Controlled: to link the effect to the cause (and vice versa) one should minimize the effect of factors other than want to measure. Or in social sciences, you have to measure as many factors as you can. • Rigorous • Systematic: one should follow a certain logical sequence. • Valid and verifiable • Empirical • Critical: process, procedures and conclusions have to be able to withstand critical scrutiny.
Types of research • Application: • Pure/basic/fundamental/‘blue sky’ research • Applied research • Objectives: • Exploratory: explores a research field that is undiscovered. If it succeeds, other types of research could follow. • Descriptive: describes the research object systematically • Correlational: discovers relationship/association/interdependence between research objects or factors • Explanatory: explains the relationship between variables • Evaluative: how well something is working • Inquiry mode: • Qualitative: unstructured, flexible process, more able to explore or explain • Quantitative: structured, strict process, more able to measure, quantify, compare and describe
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An the general process of a research work…
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The Scientific Method
Who really uses it?
Steps in the Scientific Method
Thomas Edison wasn’t having a simple ordinary day and simply stumbled upon a source of light that would change the
George Eastman didn’t just wake up one day and decide to invent a camera to take a picture of a bird...
He invented the camera!
Inventor of the light bulb!
No! Both scientists planned their experiments for years using a process called the “Scientific Method”
The “Scientific Method” is one of the ways scientists organize their ideas to develop a scientific plan to answer a question.
Step 1:Question
The question that you are trying to solve. This might be based on an observation you have made, or something you have wondered about.
Many times scientists struggle writing the exact question or problem they would like to solve.
Usually, they think of problems that have a connection to their own life.
In 1796 Edward Jenner wanted to find a cure for smallpox, a disease that
was killing hundreds of thousands of people, including his family
members. He knew that several women in his community that worked on dairy farms
were catching a disease called “cowpox”, which was not a serious disease. He also noticed that none of these women ever got smallpox, which is a fatal disease.
He decided to experiment and intentionally infect a young man with cowpox. Forty days after giving the young man a shot of the cowpox disease, he concluded that the boy was free from ever getting smallpox.
Therefor, he had invented the smallpox vaccination and cure.
Stop and Talk:
What might Edward’s question have been before beginning his experiment?
(mini bio of Edward Jenner) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdrpujSHfsU
Before Madame Curry completed her final experiment on radioactivity in 1910; she researched book after book looking for information of what others scientists had concluded about uranium in their studies.
Research helps us understand what might happen during our experiments and what sort of caution we should take as we work.
There are lots of ways to get more information about topics we want to study, brainstorm a list of 5 places you can look for information.
(mini bio of Madame Curry) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEV4KJBJvEg
Step 3:Hypothesis
Based on research and experience, scientists write a hypothesis which states what they THINK will happen when they perform their experiment.
Create a hypothesis for each of these questions:
1. What type of dishsoap is the best at cleaning greasy dishes?
I think___________because______________________.
2. What candy bar weighs the most?
3. What types of flowers are most bees attracted to?
Step 4:Experiment
Ben Franklin hypothesized that lightning was a source of electricity, and that the electrical effect of lightening might be transferable to another object which could be recognized as electricity.
His most famous test of this hypothesis was performed when he attached a key to a silk string at the end of a kite, which he flew outside during a dark day. The results of his test were very important to our knowledge of how electricity is transferred today.
(For more information on this experiment watch until minute 2:00)
In order to test your hypothesis, you will need to create and perform an experiment.
A good experiment will always include the following:
- List of materials
- List of procedures
- Variables -These are the things you change in your experiment
- A plan for recording and organizing data collected
Step 5:Analyze the Data
After you have completed your
experiment, you will analyze (study)
the results to determine if the hypothesis
should be accepted or rejected.
It is important to organize your results in order to better understand them. You should make a table, a chart, or a graph to share your data.
Here is an example of the data
collected from a student who wanted
to determine what caused soda to
cool the quickest. Here are the
average temperatures of the soda
after 30 minutes.
Make a list of three things you notice about the data given.
Step 6:Conclusion
After analyzing your data, you should be able to decide whether your hypothesis should be accepted (it was correct) or rejected (it was not) while providing evidence for your decision.
In your conclusion you should:
- Restate your hypothesis
- State if the hypothesis should be accepted or rejected
- Give evidence from your data for your choice
Step 6: Conclusion
Imagine you are this student, your hypothesis was that soda will get the coldest if it is put in the freezer.
After analyzing the data, write a conclusion for this experiment.
Remember to:
- Restate the hypothesis
- Accept or reject the hypothesis
- Use evidence from your experiment
Scientific Method
Writing Menu Extension
6 Page 6 Scientific Methods The scientific method is: A series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem or answer a question. The Steps to the Scientific Method: 1. Observation / Asking a Question 2. Form a Hypothesis 3. Design a Controlled Experiment 4. Record and Analyze Results 5. Draw Conclusions
4 Problem/Question Observation/Research Formulate a Hypothesis Experiment Collect and Analyze Results Conclusion Communicate the Results 5 Steps of the Scientific Method 1. Problem/Question : Develop a question or problem that can be solved through experimentation.
The Scientific Method. The Scientific Method. T hese are the required steps when doing a project using the Scientific Method. Purpose Research Hypothesis Experiment: Write down the materials you will need Write the step-by-step instructions you will follow Write the variables of the experiment. 158 views • 13 slides
Title: Chapter 1: Introduction to Scientific Research 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Scientific Research. Why learn about the scientific research process ; 1. To learn the research process ; 2. To become a critical consumer of information ; 3. Develop critical and analytic thinking ; 2. 4. Critically read a research article ; 5. Admission into ...
Research the Scientific Method. Research the Scientific Method. The Scientific Method involves a series of steps that are used to investigate a natural occurrence. We shall take a closer look at these steps and the terminology you will need to understand. Problem/Question Observation/Research Formulate a Hypothesis. 1.2k views • 18 slides
This book is designed to introduce Masters, and doctoral students to the process of conducting scientific research in the life sciences, social sciences, education, public health, and related scientific disciplines. ... Literature Review Chapter-3: How to develop a Research Questions & Hypotheses Chapter-4: Research Methods and the Research ...
Scientific Method-.ppt . Slideshow Share. Sign in. File. Edit. View. Help . View only . 1 Scientific Method-An objective approach to studying natural phenomena. 2 1. State the problem or question. What is the problem you want to ...
Introduction to Research Methodology András István KUN associate professor, University of Debrecen. The scientific method • In its broadest sense science is any systematic knowledge that is capable of resulting in a correct prediction or reliable outcome. • A scientific method seeks to explain the events of nature in a reproducible way, and to use these findings to make useful predictions.
The "Scientific Method" is one of the ways scientists organize their ideas to develop a scientific plan to answer a question. ... Based on research and experience, scientists write a hypothesis which states what they THINK will happen when they perform their experiment.